Monday, March 29, 2010

Prevention of disease is better than cure.

One way natural health can help people is by preventing illness and disease using natural products. Natural cures are being discovered daily. Seaweed is one that has many therapeutic benefits to health.

Seaweed is a superfood and there are more than 2,500 varieties. They are a good source of protein and dietary fibre. They also contain up to 20 times the vitamin and mineral content of vegetables that grow on the land.

Seaweed contains vitamin B12, a lack of this vitamin can cause fatigue, depression, numbness and tingling. Seaweed is also a rich source of alginic acid, which helps the body rid of toxic heavy metals such as lead. In addition it contains compounds that may help to prevent cancer.

Nori, for example, which is a variety of seaweed, is rich in the anti-oxidant beta-carotene which like all anti-oxidants, can neutralize harmful molecules known as free radicals before they cause the DNA damage that may eventually lead to malignant tumours.

Seaweed is very popular in Asia, this may help to explain why cancer rates are just a fraction of what they are here in the UK.

Seaweed is full of salt. If you need to limit your sodium intake, due to high blood pressure, for example. Then soak the leaves first.

Benefits of vitamin P Unusual remedies Healing cancer naturally

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Friday, March 26, 2010

Alkaline Minerals Proven To Reduce The Risk of Cancer, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, CVD & More!

Alkaline Minerals Scientifically Proven to Reduce Risk of Cancer, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, CVD & More! Ross on March 24, 2010

This one single, simple mistake you could be making with your health could be the biggest mistake you can make:

Not consuming enough alkaline minerals on a daily basis could be the single most damaging thing you could possibly do to your health. And yet 99% of us never get enough.

The good news is that in this article I am going to outline exactly how you can guarantee you will get enough, every day.

As you read this article in full you will see how my research uncovers the scientific proof that alkaline minerals are critical to your health, and that an absence of sufficient alkaline minerals will not only lead to symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain (or unhealthy weight loss), poor skin and depression, but also insufficient alkaline minerals can certainly lead to cancer, arthritis, osteoporosis and more.

Background: why alkaline minerals and your pH matters

Just as your temperature absolutely has to stay at 38.5 C or 98.6 F degrees (and your body will do whatever it takes to keep it at that level) your body has to maintain a pH of 7.365, according to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director at the pH Miracle Living Center in San Diego, California.

If you eat, drink and live an lifestyle that is over-acid, the stress it puts on your body to maintain this pH of 7.365 directly leads to sickness and disease. Your body is naturally acid forming – your natural bodily processes, metabolism and the body’s removal of wastes and toxins leads to small amounts of acid by-products. To neutralise this we have a small alkaline buffering system that keeps this 7.365 pH level in our blood and other cells.

And this buffer used to be 100% adequate…until our modern lifestyle kicked in.
Now a diet of pizza, coffee, chips, chocolate, soda, alcohol, white bread, cheese, microwave meals, trans-fats and take aways plus a lifestyle of stress, pollution, chemicals and toxins means that we are constantly pushing our body to the max to try and deal with this constant, overwhelming attack of acids.

To put this in context, the pH scale (that runs from 1-14) is logarithmic. This means that pH 6 is 10x more acidic than pH 7, meaning pH 5 is 100x times more acidic than pH 7 and pH 4 is 1000x more acidic.

Coke has a pH of between 2 and 3 – pH 2.5 is almost 500,000 times more acidic than neutral water, and you need 32 glasses of neutral (pH 7) water to counteract the consumption of one glass of Cola.

So you can see how a diet filled with meats, dairy, fizzy drinks, alcohol etc would quickly deplete these buffers.

The Scientific Proof That Alkaline Minerals Are Critical To Your Health

Recent scientific research into human health, sickness & disease has shown with increasing evidence that living an acid-lifestyle is extremely detrimental to health & that by living alkaline you can increase your health, energy, vitality, immune system, youthfulness and protect yourself from disease.

As recently as October 2009, a Cambridge University study published in the highly respected British Journal of Nutrition stated:

The concept of diet-induced ‘acidosis’ as a cause of disease has been a subject of interest for more than a century. The present article reviews the history of our evolving understanding of physiological pH, the physiological support for the concept of ‘acidosis’, the causes of acidosis, how it is recognised, its short-term effects as well as the long-term clinical relevance of preventative measures, and the research support for normalisation of pH.

The available research makes a compelling case that diet-induced acidosis…is a real phenomenon, and has a significant, clinical, long-term pathophysiological effect that should be recognised and potentially counterbalanced by dietary means.1

The researchers, Pizzornoa, Frassettoa and Katzinger have clearly identified that acidosis (increased acidity in the blood – pH below 7.365) is a very real threat to our health.
Furthermore, my research has shown that the effects of acidosis can directly contribute to various cancers2, 3, 12, arthritis4, osteoporosis5, cardiovascular disease6, diabetes7, depression/psychological disfunctions8, Crohn’s disease9, kidney disease10. Yes, all of the top five killers in Western society and a whole heap more. Furthermore, my experience and the experience of those who have used my twelve week Alkaline Diet Course have given me significant proof that living alkaline also leads to weight/fat loss, muscle gain (also scientifically proven11), energy increases, libido increases, skin improvements and more.

Alkaline Diet & Cancer

Alkaline Minerals Prevent Cancer GrowthIn March 2009, Robey, Baggett, Kirkpatrick et al published a paper in the American Association for Cancer Research Journal proving that alkaline minerals (in this case NaHCO3 – sodium bicarbonate) that raise the extracellular pH of cancer tumor cells and prevent metastasis. Their research shows that the pH of the tumors are always acidic and by using highly alkaline minerals to raise the pH – the growth of the cancer (and involvement of lymph nodes) is prevented.

Source: Cancer Research 69, 2260, March 15, 2009

Cancer Thrives in an Acidic EnvironmentAlso in Cancer Research Journal, in 2006, Gatenby, Gawlinski et al researched and discovered that “chronic exposure of normal tissue to an acidic microenvironment produces toxicity by: (a) normal cell death… and (b) extracellular matrix degradation”. They proffer that glucose imbalance (an acid lifestlye) leads to a chronically acidic microenvironment (the normal cells and molecules that surround a tumor cell) which provides the perfect base for cancer.

Source: Cancer Research 66, 5216-5223, May 15, 2006

Acidosis & Osteoporosis
Alkaline Minerals Prevent Osteoporosis

A recently published study in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 94, No 1 96-102, 2009) has provided further evidence that the consumption of and supplementation with alkaline minerals is essential for good health. The objective of the study was to understand the effect of alkaline minerals (potassium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate and potassium chloride) on bone health – specifically, the ability of these alkaline minerals to slow the bone resorption rate and calcium excretion.

The participants who were taking the bicarbonate supplements had significant reductions in urinary N-telopeptide and calcium excretion when compared to the control group. This means that when taking the alkaline minerals, bones remained stronger and healthier.

Source: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (Vol 94, No 1 96-102, 2009)
Cardiovascular Disease & the Alkaline Diet

Alkaline Minerals Critical to Prevention of CVD

In the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Joseph Campbell provides a thorough review of the scientific literature surrounding minerals and disease and highlights that the alkaline minerals, magnesium and calcium, are critical to the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD). He also highlights that “Excessive consumption of acid producing foods, results in metabolic acidosis. When this occurs, the parathyroid hormone stimulates the removal of calcium from the bones and teeth (osteolysis), to buffer or neutralize the excess acidity. After many years, such calcium loss results in depleted bone, bone weakness and structure.”

Source: Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, 1995

Arthritis & Alkalinity

Alkaline Mineral Supplementation Decreases Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients
This incredible study from Institute for Prevention and Nutrition (Germany) provided clear and unquestionable evidence that using an alkaline mineral supplement (30g daily) reduced pain and increased movement in patients with moderately active Rheumatoid Arthritis over a 12-week period.

Source: The Open Nutrition Journal, 2008, 2, 100-105

Do you want to safeguard yourself from degenerative diseases while living with more energy, a lean, fit body, great skin, youthfulness and vitality?

How You Can Guarantee Your Health With Alkaline Minerals

The above studies prove, without question, that having sufficient alkaline mineral buffers to neutralise dietary, lifestyle and metabolic acids is critical to maintaining excellent health, energy and vitality and to the prevention of degenerative disease.

It is also highlighted in several of these studies that using an alkaline mineral supplement is an effective way of guaranteeing your daily intake of alkaline minerals is sufficient.

The efficacy of using a mineral supplement (and these supplements providing a usable form of these minerals) is further supported by this June 2009 study published in the Nutrition Journal, “Effect of a supplement rich in alkaline minerals on acid-base balance in humans”. The study concluded “that the ingestion of a multimineral supplement is associated with both a significant increase in blood and urinary pH”.

If you want to guarantee you have sufficient alkaline minerals than supplementation is a smart choice.

I’ve been working and researching in the alkaline diet field for five or six years now and have seen a lot of supplements come and go, and the one thing that determines whether a supplement will be successful or not is: does it work.

Poor quality supplements get found out very quickly.

With that in mind, these are the two alkaline mineral supplements that I personally recommend to you. I have been using these personally for at least four years now and I truly believe that they are incredibly effective.

Young pHorever pHour Salts: Alkaline Minerals of Sodium, Magnesium, Potassium and Calcium

Almost instantly neutralises harmful acids. Young pHorever Alkaline Minerals contains all four primary alkaline minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium. Once these mineral buffers hit the system, they quickly neutralise excess acids.

Another bonus of this supplement is that it makes green drinks taste better when mixed together!

Young pHorever: pHlavor Mineral Salts
A comprehensive multi-mineral formula that will aid your pH balance and gives your body all of the most essential alkaline minerals.

Diet Comes First

You should always aim to get an abundance of nutrients from whole foods – there are no shortcuts here. This is just essential.

To make sure you’re getting plenty of alkaline minerals in your life I believe you should both consume good quality (pref organic) fresh, vibrant, healthy, high-water content, often raw foods PLUS I believe that you should supplement this to ensure that you always have a safety net. It is SO important to get enough of the right minerals every day that I fully believe in supplementation in this case.

This is particularly important if you have been out of balance, because there will be a lot of repair, detoxification and tidying up to do in your blood and other cells, so providing your body with an abundance of alkaline minerals is one of the very best things you can do.

Here’s the whole food sources:

Soy sprouts
Swiss Chard

Pumpkin Seeds
Soy sprouts
Swiss Chard
Sunflower Seed sprouts
Pumpkin seeds

Swiss Chard/Silverbeet
Romaine Lettuce
Green Beans
Brussel Sprouts

Sunflower Seed sprouts

Note on Sodium:
We are talking about proper, pure sodium, not table salt or the salt added to refined foods.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young:

Today’s common table salt is a poison that has nothing in common with natural liquid colloidal salt. Most common table salt is made up of chemicals that pollute your body and wreak havoc on your health. Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt causing the potential for a myriad of health challenges in your body. [see the full article here]

Sodium is essential in the body, and the above listed alkaline vegetables provide you with a good, clean source of this important salt.


Sufficient alkaline minerals is essential to good health. Your body really needs you to minimize the acids you consume and keep putting alkali in. When we consume acids, your body uses the alkaline substances in your body (calcium from bones, for example) to neutralise these acids which causes havoc. The body only has a very tiny supply of alkaline buffers and so by giving the body an abundance of alkalinity we not only ease this burden but also give the body the tools it needs to work optimally.

The four main alkaline minerals are calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium (clean, not refined table salt). These are abundant in fresh vegetables (particularly greens), and we advise you to eat plenty each day!

We also recommend two supplements. In the short-medium term these will help undo any previous damage and assist in detoxifying the body of acids, molds and fungus and in the long-term will help to maintain this alkaline balance, giving you a daily safety net to ensure you get enough of these minerals day-in-day-out.

Sources & References:

1 Diet-induced acidosis: is it real and clinically relevant? British Journal of Nutrition Cambridge University Press; Joseph Pizzornoa, Lynda A. Frassettoa and Joseph Katzingera

2Acid-Mediated Tumor Invasion: a Multidisciplinary Study; Cancer Research 66, 5216-5223, May 15, 2006; Robert A. Gatenby, Edward T. Gawlinski, Arthur F. Gmitro, Brant Kaylor and Robert J. Gillies

3The Potential Role of Systemic Buffers in Reducing Intratumoral Extracellular pH and Acid-Mediated Invasion; Cancer Research 69, 2677, March 15, 2009; Ariosto S. Silva, Jose A. Yunes, Robert J. Gillies and Robert A. Gatenby

4Alkaline Mineral Supplementation Decreases Pain in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients; The Open Nutrition Journal, 2008, 2, 100-105; Regina Maria Cseuz, Istvan Barna, Tamas Bender and Ju?rgen Vormann

5Treatment with Potassium Bicarbonate Lowers Calcium Excretion and Bone Resorption in Older Men and Women; The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism Vol. 94, No. 1 96-102; Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan S. Harris, Nancy J. Palermo, Carmen Castaneda-Sceppa, Helen M. Rasmussen and Gerard E. Dallal

6Minerals and Disease; Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol. 10, No. 3 & 4, 1995; Joseph D. Campbell

7Preservative Effect of Electrolyzed Reduced Water on Pancreatic b -Cell Mass in Diabetic db/db Mice; Biol. Pharm. Bull. 30(2) 234—236 (2007); Mi-Ja KIM, Kyung Hee JUNG, Yoon Kyung UHM, Kang-Hyun LEEM, and Hye Kyung KIM

8The Effect of Acid/Alkaline Nutrition on Psychophysiological Function; Int J Biosocial Res. Vol.

9(2); 182-202, 1987; Rudolf A. Wiley9Severe Osteomalacia Associated with Renal Tubular Acidosis in Crohn’s Disease; Digestive Diseases & Sciences, Vol 31, No 3, March 1986; Rui MM Victorino, Margarida B Lucas, Miguel Carneiro de Moura10Metabolic acidosis of CKD: diagnosis, clinical characteristics, and treatment; American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Volume 45, Issue 6, Pages 978-993 J. Kraut, I. Kurtz11Lean Tissue: Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 87, No. 3, 662-665, March 2008; Bess Dawson-Hughes, Susan S Harris and Lisa Ceglia

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Interesting Articles in the AJCN

I just received an RSS alert for the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition's latest articles. This upcoming issue is full of very interesting material:

1. Dr. Neil D. Barnard reviews food consumption patterns in the US from 1909 to 2007 (1). This is something I've written about a number of times. The most notable change is that industrial seed oil use has increased by more than 3-fold in the last 40 years, and even more in the last 100 although he doesn't provide those numbers. Butter and lard use declined sharply. Meat consumption is up, but the increase comes exclusively from poultry because we're eating the same amount of red meat we always have. Grain consumption is down, although it peaked around 1900 so it may not be a fair comparison with today:
In the late 1800s, wheat flours became more popular and available due to the introduction of new [high-gluten] wheat varieties, [low extraction] milling techniques, and transport methods, and during this time new breakfast cereals were introduced by John Harvey Kellogg, CW Post, and the Quaker Oats Company. Thereafter, however, per capita availability of flour and cereal products gradually dropped as increased prosperity, improved mechanization, and transport (eg, refrigerated railway cars) increased competition from other food groups. [Then they partially rebounded in the last 40 years]
2. Dr. S.C. Larsson published a paper showing that in Sweden, multivitamin use is associated with a slightly higher risk of breast cancer (2).

3. Soy protein and isoflavones, which have been proposed to do everything from increase bone mineral density to fight cancer, are slowly falling out of favor. Dr. Z.M. Liu and colleagues show that soy protein and/or isoflavone supplementation has no effect on insulin sensitivity or glucose tolerance in a 6 month trial (3). This follows a recent trial showing that isoflavones have no effect on bone mineral density.

4. Dr. Ines Birlouez-Aragon and colleagues showed that high-heat cooked (fried and sauteed) foods increase risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease (insulin resistance, cholesterol, triglycerides), compared to low-heat cooked foods (steamed, stewed) in a one-month trial (4). The high-heat diet also reduced serum levels of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins C and E.

5. Dr. Katharina Nimptsch and colleagues showed that higher menaquinone (vitamin K2) intake is associated with a lower cancer incidence and lower cancer mortality in Europeans (5). Most of their K2 came from cheese.

6. And finally, Dr. Zhaoping Li and colleagues showed that cooking meat with an herb and spice blend reduced the levels of oxidized fat during cooking, and reduced serum and urinary markers of lipid oxidation in people eating the meat (6).

The take-home message? Eat stewed beef with herbs, but don't pre-brown it in vegetable oil. Throw out the tofu and have some artisanal cheese instead.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No Surgery For Gum Dis-Ease

No more Gum Dis-Ease and No Surgery - Who Needs Insurance When You Can Alkalize!

Lisa Jones Carnevale March 23 at 7:35pm Hey Dr. Young, Wanted to pass along a story about a dentist visit I had six months ago. I had my teeth cleaned and the doctor came in, took take a look at them and said that my gums were inflamed and receding.

He asked if I had been sick or on new medication. I told him that I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and taking levoxothyrine. He said that he wanted me to book an appointment with an oral surgeon to have surgery on them.

I said no thank you and went home and started to brush my teeth with your clay and rub them onto my gums twice a day. I just went back for my six month cleaning and he was blown away by how great my gums looked. He asked what I was doing and I told him.

He said he didn't know anything about the clay, but to keep it up. So thank you for a great product, it keeps my skin so nice as well! Now if it could just fix my thyroid.....Lisa Carnevale

New wonder drugs on the way

How long will it be before we see new cures for illness and disease?. The world of natural healing has helped many people to ease their complaint. I found the following news article which you may be interested to read, which outlines new drugs that may cure your illness.

Cancer vaccine
TWO cervical cancer vaccines are now en route to the UK. Gardasil, which has already been given to Australian girls, is the world's first cancer vaccine and will protect young women from the strains of HPV (human papillomavirus) known to cause cervical cancer.
Cevarix, a similar vaccine, is hot on its heels. HPV is passed on through sex and it's hoped that immunising girls before they become sexually active could reduce the UK death rate from 1,093 to just 262 cases a year.
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: Gardasil has just been granted a European licence and cevarix is expected to get its licence early next year. The Government must then decide whether all 12-year-old girls should be routinely vaccinated.

Cancer cream
EVERY year thousands of UK women have surgery to remove pre-cancerous cells from their cervixes. But soon this condition may be treatable with a cream.
Experts at the University of Manchester have found that a drug given orally to HIV patients is effective against certain strains of HPV, the cause of most cervical cancers.
Group leader Dr Ian Hampson explains: "Research has only been done on cells in the lab so far so now we need to start clinical trials on women. However the fact that the drug is already licensed for use for HIV will speed up the process."
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: Three to four years.

Inhaled insulin
DIABETICS whose conditions can't be controlled by tablets need injections. But now Exubera, a new form of inhaled insulin, promises a viable alternative to the needle. It's hailed as "one of the biggest steps forward since the discovery of insulin in 1992" by charity Diabetes UK.
Studies show that a fear of or reluctance to use needles makes sufferers delay treatment for an average of four years, leading to complications such as heart disease, kidney failure or blindness.
However, there are fears that drug advisory body Nice (National Institute for health and Clinical Excellence) may only recommend its use for patients who have physical or mental problems. The drug isn't suitable for smokers, anyone with breathing problems or children.
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: Technically, it was launched last month but most doctors are waiting for Nice guidance, due in October, before prescribing.

Anti-smoking pill
CHAMPIX works by mimicking the effects of nicotine which eases withdrawal symptoms, and by blocking feelgood effects should you weaken and sneak a fag.
Clinical trials on 2,000 chronic smokers found that Champix helped nearly half quit after 12 weeks compared with just 30 per cent receiving the standard drug Zyban. Side-effects include nausea, vomiting, headache, insomnia and flatulence but that seems a small price for kicking a habit that has a one-in-two chance of killing you.
However, Deborah Arnott, director of anti-smoking charity Ash warns: "It's an exciting breakthrough but not a guaranteed cure-all."
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: Could be available on prescription in time for your New Year's resolutions.

Anti-blindness drug
AGE-RELATED blindness affects a quarter of a million people in the UK and the wet form (or AMD, age-related macular degeneration), which affects 10 per cent of sufferers, can cause you to lose your sight in just three months. Lucentis, which was passed by the US drug-approval body in June this year, treats the underlying cause of AMD by inhibiting a protein that leads to this type of sight loss.
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: Could be available on the NHS next year.

Pill to stop stammering
THE first pill designed to stop stammering is undergoing clinical trials at the University of California. Pagoclone, which is already used to treat anxiety, is thought to work by boosting a chemical brain messenger that plays a key role in speech function. In trials so far, more than half those treated experienced a significant decrease in stammering. "It's encouraging because it appears to have few of the side-effects such as drowsiness, weight gain, mood swings and uncontrolled movement that have been associated with previous potential drugs," says a British Stammering Association spokesperson.
ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: Two to three years if further trials go well.

New natural cures, Healing cancer, Alternative solutions to disease,

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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Uninsurable With A Pre-Existing Condition

Jacqueline Corbett

I totally agree! I was diagnosed with malignant melanoma in January of 1984... over 26 years ago... and chose to use alternative means of healing rather than 'wider excision, and possibly radiation...using diet, spiritual mind treatments, etc. It was the best choice I could possibly have made, and it's taken me on quite a journey.

Being 'uninsurable due to pre-existing condition' can be a benefit if you choose to take responsibility for your own healing. Even though I knew about raw foods and was on a 'transitional diet' of 50-60% raw for several years, I still wasn't eating a predominantly raw alkaline diet... and wound up with something called 'inverse psoriasis'... for which I am deeply grateful because it led me to Dr. Young... and a much deeper understanding of the power of a predominantly alkaline diet... and the realization that raw diets aren't necessarily alkaline or even healthy just because they are raw. It only took a week or two of following a strict alkaline diet for the horrible deep red sometimes bleeding psoriasis rash to totally heal. It's not 'cured' but is typically in a state of total remission... UNLESS I decide to 'eat widely' ... with too many acidic foods.

The moment I see the rash begin to appear in the first of many places it formerly appeared on my body, I immediately go back to a highly alkaline diet... lots of green smoothies... zero sugar and refined grain products and combos... and the rash/psoriasis magically disappears within a day or two. How cool it is to have a plainly visible 'indicator' or 'danger signal' ... warning me of the acidity of my body... and even cooler to see how alkalizing ALWAYS makes it disappear. And in the process, I return to a much calmer and clearer state of mind.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if the whole world knew what I've come to find out... and what so many like me know as well.Someday... hopefully soon... we will reach a 'critical mass' ... and the whole world will know. ...Thanks Dr. Young and Shelley for continuing to speak out!

New Review of Controlled Trials Replacing Saturated fat with Industrial Seed Oils

Readers Stanley and JBG just informed me of a new review paper by Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian and colleagues. Dr. Mozaffarian is one of the Harvard epidemiologists responsible for the Nurse's Health study. The authors claim that overall, the controlled trials show that replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat from industrial seed oils, but not carbohydrate or monounsaturated fat (as in olive oil), slightly reduces the risk of having a heart attack:
These findings provide evidence that consuming PUFA in place of SFA reduces CHD events in RCTs [how do you like the acronyms?]. This suggests that rather than trying to lower PUFA consumption, a shift toward greater population PUFA consumption in place of SFA would significantly reduce rates of CHD.
Looking at the studies they included in their analysis (and at those they excluded), it looks like they did a very nice job cherry picking. For example:
  • They included the Finnish Mental Hospital trial, which is a terrible trial for a number of reasons. It wasn't randomized, appropriately controlled or even semi-blinded*. Thus, it doesn't fit the authors' stated inclusion criteria, but they included it in their analysis anyway**. Besides, the magnitude of the result has never been replicated by better trials, not even close.
  • They included two trials that changed more than just the proportion of SFA to PUFA. For example, the Oslo Diet-heart trial replaced animal fat with seed oils, but also increased fruit, nut, vegetable and fish intake, while reducing trans fat margarine intake! The STARS trial increased both omega-6 and omega-3, reduced processed food intake, and increased fruit and vegetable intake! These obviously aren't controlled trials isolating the issue of dietary fat substitution. If you subtract the four inappropriate trials from their analysis, which is half the studies they analyzed, the result disappears. Those four just happened to show the largest reduction in heart attack mortality...
  • They excluded the Rose et al. corn oil trial and the Sydney Diet-heart trial. Both found a large increase in total mortality from replacing animal fat with seed oils, and the Rose trial found a large increase in heart attack deaths (the Sydney trial didn't report CHD deaths, but Dr. Mozaffarian et al. stated in their paper that they contacted authors to obtain unpublished results. Why didn't they contact the authors of this study?).
The authors claim, based on their analysis, that replacing 5% of calories as saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat would reduce the risk of having a heart attack by 10%. Take a minute to think about the implications of that statement. For the average American, that means cutting saturated fat nearly in half to 6% of energy, which is a real challenge if you want to have a semblance of a normal diet. It also means nearly doubling PUFA intake, which will come mostly from seed oils if you follow the authors' advice.

So basically, even if the authors' conclusion were correct, you overhaul your whole diet and replace natural foods with bland unnatural foods, and...? You reduce your 10-year risk of having a heart attack from 10 percent to 9 percent. Without affecting your overall risk of dying! The paper states that the interventions didn't affect overall mortality at all. That's what they're talking about here. Sign me up!

* Autopsies were not conducted in a blinded manner. Physicians knew which hospital the cadavers came from, because autopsies were done on-site. There is some confusion about this point because the second paper states that physicians interpreted the autopsy reports in a blinded manner. But that doesn't make it blinded, since the autopsies weren't blinded. The patients were also not blinded, so the study overall was highly susceptible to bias.

** They refer to it as "cluster randomized". I don't know if that term accurately applies to the Finnish trial or not. The investigators definitely didn't randomize the individual patients: whichever hospital a person was being treated in, that's the food he/she ate. There were only two hospitals, so "cluster randomization" in this case would just refer to deciding which hospital got the intervention first. Can this accurately be called randomized?

Monday, March 22, 2010

What Really Causes Iron Deficiency in the Blood?

Medical savants are ignorant to the fact that blood or hemoglobin is the second largest contributor to buffering dietary and/or metabolic acids next to sodium bicarbonate. When the blood is trying to maintain its alkaline iso-structure and stay alkaline at 7.365, it will ...use sodium bicarbonate and then hemoglobin to neutralize or buffer any excess acid that is not. properly eliminated through the four channels of elimination - defecation, urination, respiration and perspiration. This loss of hemoglobin is also a loss of iron since iron is the center atom of hemoglobin of iron and the cause of the iron deficiency. Therefore an iron deficiency is not a deficiency of iron but an result of an acidic lifestyle and diet. Change the diet to an alkaline pH Miracle Lifestyle and Diet and watch the iron poor blood become an iron rich blood with green foods, green drinks and the elimination of all acidic foods and drinks.
So to answer the question of what really causes a deficiency of iron in the blood? The answer is simple - dietary and metabolic acids! The following is what iron poor blood looks like.

Acidic Sugary Drinks Fuel Rise in Diabetes and Heart Disease

More Americans than ever drink sugary drinks daily, according to government statistics, and the increase has fueled the rise in heart disease and diabetes over the past 10 years. Scientists used a computer simulation called the Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) Policy Model to estimate that the rise in consumption has contributed to 130,000 new cases of diabetes and 14,000 new cases of coronary artery disease in adults age 35 and older.

Sodas sweetened with the acid sugar, sport, and fruit drinks (not 100 percent fruit juice) contain between 120 and 200 calories, and play a role both in the development of obesity and diabetes.

“The CHD model allows us to incorporate data from other studies that demonstrate an association between daily consumption of sugared beverages and diabetes risk," Dr. Litsa Lambrakos, study lead investigator and internal medicine resident at the University of California, San Francisco, said in a statement. "We can then translate this information into estimates of the current diabetes and cardiovascular disease that can be attributed to the rise in consumption of these drinks.”

Experts suggest that imposing an excise tax of one cent per ounce of beverage would reduce consumption by 10 percent.

“If such a tax could curb the consumption of these drinks, the health benefits could be dramatic,” said Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, senior author of the study and associate professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco.

"The soda tax is a fix that just makes sense," said New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in a radio address.

The American Heart Association recommends women limit added sugar to about 100 calories a day and that men limit their added sugar to 150 calories daily. Sugar-sweetened beverages should be limited to 450 calories or less each week (36 ounces), based on a 2,000 calorie per day diet.

Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of the pH Miracle Center states, "all sodas, sport drinks, fruit drinks, exotic fruit drinks primarily sold by network marketing companies are highly acidic and will contribute or even cause the acid conditions of diabetes, heart disease and even cancer. My best advice is if the beverage tastes sweet and/or carbonated spit it out and through it away, it is poison to the body."

Omega-3 Oil Reduces Dangerous Colon Polyps

A purified form of omega-3, the so-called "healthy alkalizing fat" found naturally in certain fish, seed and nut oils, reduced dangerous polyps among people prone to bowel cancer, says a British study published on Thursday by Gut, a journal of the British Medical Association.

Fifty patients were enrolled in the investigation, all with a genetic mutation that prompts the development of polyps — precancerous growths in the bowel that often develop into tumors requiring removal of large sections of intestine.

Twenty-eight were randomly assigned to a group that received a two-gram daily dose of a new, highly purified form of omega-3, while the other 27 were given a dummy lookalike, or placebo.

After six months, the number of polyps had risen by almost 10 percent among the placebo group but fell by 12 percent for those taking the omega-3 capsules, amounting to a difference of more than 22 percent.

In addition, polyp size increased by 17 percent among the placebo takers, whereas it decreased by 12.5 percent in the capsule group, a difference of just under 30 percent.

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "Omega-3 oils work because they take-up on their unsaturation hydrogen ions or dietary/metabolic acids thus reducing acidity in the gut that causes the formation of polyps and then the formation of cancerous tumors."

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fatty Liver: It's not Just for Grown-ups Anymore

The epidemic of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of my favorite topics on this blog, due to the liver's role as the body's metabolic "grand central station", as Dr. Philip Wood puts it. The liver plays a critical part in the regulation of sugar, insulin, and lipid levels in the blood. Many of the routine blood tests administered in the doctor's office (blood glucose, cholesterol, etc.) partially reflect liver function.

NAFLD is an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver that impairs its function and can lead to severe liver inflammation (NASH), and in a small percentage of people, liver cancer. An estimated 20-30% of people in industrial nations suffer from NAFLD, a shockingly high prevalence (1).

I previously posted on dietary factors I believe are involved in NAFLD. In rodents, feeding a large amount of sugar or industrial seed oils (corn oil, etc.) promotes NAFLD, whereas fats such as butter and coconut oil do not (2). In human infants, enteric feeding with industrial seed oils causes severe liver damage, whereas the same amount of fat from fish oil doesn't, and can even reverse the damage done by seed oils (3).

So basically, I think sugar and industrial oils are major contributors to NAFLD, and if you look at diet trends in the US over the last 40 years, they're consistent with the idea. Industrial oils are harmful due (at least in part) to their high omega-6 content, which is problematic partially because it disturbs normal omega-3 metabolism. A potential solution to fatty liver is to reduce sugar, replace industrial oils with natural fats, and ensure a regular source of omega-3. I've posted two anecdotes of people rapidly healing their fatty livers using diet changes* (4, 5).

I recently came across a study that examined the diet of Canadian children with NAFLD (6). The children had a high sugar intake, a typical (i.e., high) omega-6 intake, and a low omega-3 intake. The authors claimed that the children also had a high saturated fat intake, but at 10.5% of calories, they were almost eating to the American Heart Association's "Step I" diet recommendations**. Busted! Total fat intake was also low.

High sugar consumption was associated with a larger waist circumference, insulin resistance, lower adiponectin and elevated markers of inflammation. High omega-6 intake was associated with markers of inflammation. Low omega-3 intake was associated with insulin resistance and elevated liver enzymes. Saturated fat intake presumably had no relation to any of these markers, since they didn't mention it in the text.

These children with NAFLD, who were all insulin resistant and mostly obese, had diets high in omega-6, high in sugar, and low in omega-3. This is consistent with the idea that these three factors, which have all been moving in the wrong direction in the last 40 years, contribute to NAFLD.

* Fatty liver was assessed by liver enzymes, admittedly not a perfect test. However, elevated liver enzymes do correlate fairly well with NAFLD.

** Steps I and II were replaced by new diet advice in 2000. The AHA now recommends keeping saturated fat below 7% of calories. Stock up on those skinless chicken breasts! Make sure there isn't any residual fat sticking to the meat, it might kill you. I do have to give the AHA credit however, because their new recommendations focus mostly on eating real food rather than avoiding saturated fat and cholesterol.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Dieatry and Metabolic Acids Lead To Obesity and Liver Disease

Two studies published online in the British Medical Journal show that obesity which is caused by dietary and/or metabolic acid and alcohol which is a strong acid act together to increase the risk of liver dis-ease in both men and women.

Together, these findings have important clinical and public health implications and support Dr. Robert O. Young's reserach that dietary and/or metabolic acids lead to ALL disease including liver disease.

Rates of acidic liver disease and obesity are increasing in the UK. While the acid alcohol is a major cause of liver cirrhosis, recent evidence suggests that excess body weight may also play a role.

In the first study, researchers from the University of Oxford examined the link between body mass index (BMI) and liver cirrhosis in 1.2 million middle-aged UK women as part of the Million Women Study.

Each woman was tracked for an average of 6.2 years, and risks were adjusted for factors such as age, alcohol consumption, smoking, socioeconomic status and physical activity.

Compared to women of a healthy weight, women who were overweight or obese had an increased relative risk of liver cirrhosis. Although this relative risk did not differ significantly by alcohol consumption, the absolute risk did.

For example, among women who reported drinking an average of about a third to half a drink a day, 0.8 in 1000 will be admitted to hospital with or will die from liver cirrhosis over five years if they are of healthy weight compared with 1 in 1000 women who are obese.

However, among women who reported drinking an average of two and a half drinks a day, 2.7 in 1000 will be admitted to hospital with or will die from the acids that cause liver cirrhosis over five years if they are of healthy weight compared with 5 in 1000 women who are obese.

In the second study, researchers from the Universities of Glasgow and Bristol investigated the joint effects of BMI and alcohol consumption on liver disease in more than 9,000 men in Scotland. Participants were tracked for an average of 29 years.

Both factors were related to liver disease and, more importantly, the combination of high BMI and alcohol consumption was greater than the additive effect of the two separate factors.

For example, obese men who reported drinking 15 or more units per week had the greatest risk of liver disease: almost 19 times higher than underweight or normal weight non-drinkers. The authors suggest that lower, BMI specific "safe" limits of alcohol consumption may need to be defined for people who are overweight. Preventive efforts are also needed to limit the affordability and availability of alcohol and to increase alkaline foods, drink and physical activity.

Both studies conclude that, from a public health perspective, strategies to jointly reduce both excessive acidic alcohol consumption and excessive acidic body weight should lead to a reduction in the incidence of liver dis-ease.

In an accompanying editorial, Professor Christopher Byrne at the University of Southampton and Dr Sarah Wild from the University of Edinburgh say that future research must focus on better diagnosis and treatment of non-alcoholic acidic fatty liver disease (a build-up of fat in the liver caused by obesity, high alcohol intake and diabetes, which can lead to cirrhosis).

In the meantime, the old adage of "prevention is better than cure" remains pertinent. Reducing acidic alcohol consumption and obesity caused by acidity are, at present, our only weapons against non-viral liver disease. The progression of non-alcoholic fatty acidic liver disease to end stage acidic liver disease can now be added to the list of the undesirable consequences of modern lifestyles, states Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Reserach at The pH Miracle Center.

Loneliness Causes Hypertenision and Increased Risk For Heart Attack or Stroke

Chronic feelings of loneliness can take a toll on blood pressure over time, causing a marked increase after four years, according to a new study at the University of Chicago.

A new study shows, for the first time, a direct relation between loneliness and larger increases in blood pressure four years later—a link that is independent of age and other factors that could cause blood pressure to rise, including body-mass index, smoking, alcohol use and demographic differences such as race and income.

The researchers also looked at the possibility that depression and stress might account for the increase but found that those factors did not fully explain the increase in blood pressure among lonely people 50 years and older.

"Loneliness behaved as though it is a unique health-risk factor in its own right," wrote researcher Louise Hawkley in an article, "Loneliness Predicts Increased Blood Pressure," published in the current issue of the journal Psychology and Aging.

Hawkley, Senior Research Scientist with the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, is part of a University of Chicago research team that has been doing pioneering work on the impact of loneliness on health and quality of life issues. It includes Ronald Thisted, Chairman of Health Studies; Christopher Masi, Assistant Professor in Medicine; and John Cacioppo, the Tiffany & Margaret Blake Distinguished Service Professor in Psychology.

High blood pressure, often called a silent threat as it has few symptoms, undermines health in many ways. It increases the risk for heart attack and stroke and impairs kidney function. A systolic blood pressure measurement greater than 140 mm, also called hypertension, is the most common primary diagnosis in the United States and is the primary or contributing cause of about 18 percent of deaths in this country.

It is estimated to cost $73.4 billion per year. However, any measurement greater than 115 mm increases risk for cardiovascular disease, according to a 2003 report by the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure.

Like blood pressure, loneliness is sometimes not easy to detect. People who have many friends and a social network can feel lonely if they find their relationships unsatisfying, Hawkley said. Conversely, people who live rather solitary lives may not be lonely if their few relationships are meaningful and rewarding.

The team based its research on a study of 229 people aged 50 to 68. The randomly chosen group included whites, African Americans and Latinos who were part of a long-term study on aging. Members of the group were asked a series of questions to determine if they perceived themselves as lonely. They were asked to rate connections with others through a series of topics, such as "I have a lot in common with the people around me," "My social relationships are superficial" and "I can find companionship when I want it."

During the five-year study, Hawkley found a clear connection between feelings of loneliness reported at the beginning of the study and rising blood pressure over that period. "The increase associated with loneliness wasn't observable until two years into the study, but then continued to increase until four years later," she said.

Even people with modest levels of loneliness were impacted. Among all the people in the sample, the loneliest people saw their blood pressure go up by 14.4 mm more than the blood pressure of their most socially contented counterparts over the four-year study period.

Lonely people's apprehension about social connections may underlie the blood pressure increase.

"Loneliness is characterized by a motivational impulse to connect with others but also a fear of negative evaluation, rejection and disappointment," Hawkley said. "We hypothesize that threats to one's sense of safety and security with others are toxic components of loneliness, and that hypervigilance for social threat may contribute to alterations in physiological functioning, including elevated blood pressure."

According to Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at The pH Miracle Living Center, "People who are lonely are also acidic in the tissues, saliva and urine. The emotion of loniliness produces a metabolic acid, when chelated with cholersterol or alkaline minerals can build up on the walls of the arteries causing the restirciton of blood flow resulting in an increase in blood pressure and/or pulse rate. The solution to mediating any acid whether from food, drink or thought is to keep the body alkalized as it was designed."

The study was supported by grants from the National Institute on Aging and the John Templeton Foundation.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Book Review: The Primal Blueprint

Mark Sisson has been a central figure in the evolutionary health community since he began his weblog Mark's Daily Apple in 2006. He and his staff have been posting daily on his blog ever since. He has also written several other books, edited the Optimum Health newsletter, competed as a high-level endurance athlete, and served on the International Triathlon Union as the anti-doping chairman, all of which you can read about on his biography page. Mark is a practice-what-you-preach kind of guy, and if physical appearance means anything, he's on to something.

In 2009, Mark published his long-awaited book The Primal Blueprint. He self-published the book, which has advantages and disadvantages. The big advantage is that you aren't subject to the sometimes onerous demands of publishers, who attempt to maximize sales at Barnes and Noble. The front cover sports a simple picture of Mark, rather than a sunbaked swimsuit model, and the back cover offers no ridiculous claims of instant beauty and fat loss.

The drawback of self-publishing is it's more difficult to break into a wider market. That's why Mark has asked me to publish my review of his book today. He's trying to push it up in the rankings so that it gets a broader exposure. If you've been thinking about buying Mark's book, now is a good time to do it. If you order it from on March 17th, Mark is offering to sweeten the deal with some freebies on his site Mark's Daily Apple. Full disclosure: I'm not getting anything out of this, I'm simply mentioning it because I was reviewing Mark's book anyway and I thought some readers might enjoy it.

The Primal Blueprint is not a weight loss or diet book, it's a lifestyle program with an evolutionary slant. Mark uses the example of historical and contemporary hunter-gatherers as a model, and attempts to apply those lessons to life in the 21st century. He does it in a way that's empowering accessible to nearly everyone. To illustrate his points, he uses the example of an archetypal hunter-gatherer called Grok, and his 21st century mirror image, the Korg family.

The diet section will be familiar to anyone who has read about "paleolithic"-type diets. He advocates eating meats including organs, seafood, eggs, nuts, abundant vegetables, and fruit. He also suggests avoiding grains, legumes, dairy (although he's not very militant about this one), processed food in general, and reducing carbohydrate to less than 150 grams per day. I like his diet suggestions because they focus on real food. Mark is not a drill sergeant. He tries to create a plan that will be sustainable in the long run, by staying positive and allowing for cheats.

We part ways on the issue of carbohydrate. He suggests that eating more than 150 grams of carbohydrate per day leads to fat gain and disease, whereas I feel that position is untenable in light of what we know of non-industrial cultures (including some relatively high-carbohydrate hunter-gatherers). Although carbohydrate restriction (or at least wheat and sugar restriction) does have its place in treating obesity and metabolic dysfunction in modern populations, ultimately I don't think it's necessary for the prevention of those same problems, and it can even be counterproductive in some cases. Mark does acknowledge that refined carbohydrates are the main culprits.

The book's diet section also recommends nutritional supplements, including a multivitamin/mineral, antioxidant supplement, probiotics, protein powder and fish oil. I'm not a big proponent of supplementation. I'm also a bit of a hypocrite because I do take small doses of fish oil (when I haven't had seafood recently), and vitamin D in wintertime. But I can't get behind protein powders and antioxidant supplements.

Mark's suggestions for exercise, sun exposure, sleep and stress management make good sense to me. In a nutshell: do all three, but keep the exercise varied and don't overdo it. As a former high-level endurance athlete, he has a lot of credibility here. He puts everything in a format that's practical, accessible and empowering.

I think The Primal Blueprint is a useful book for a person who wants to maintain or improve her health. Although we disagree on the issue of carbohydrate, the diet and lifestyle advice is solid and will definitely be a vast improvement over what the average person is doing. The Primal Blueprint is not an academic book, nor does it attempt to be. It doesn't contain many references (although it does contain some), and it won't satisfy someone looking for an in-depth discussion of the scientific literature. However, it's perfect for someone who's getting started and needs guidance, or who simply wants a more comprehensive source than reading blog snippets. It would make a great gift for that family member or friend who's been asking how you stay in such good shape.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Natural uses of vitamin P

Bioflavonoids or vitamin P as it is also known are complex compounds closely associated with vitamin C. You will sometimes see bioflavonoids combined with vitamin C when you buy vitamin C supplements. You may already know from some of my older posts how effective higher doses of vitamin C have been inrelation to my health, in dealing with various illness and complaints that I have suffered.

Bioflavonoids enhance the effectiveness of vitamin C and is a potent antioxidant. Together with vitamin C they strengthen the capillaries and help prevent excessive menstrual bleeding. They are also anti-viral and anti-inflammatory, protect from free radicals and inhibit histamine release.

Bioflavonoids have  potent anti-carcinogenic activity, which has been shown to inhibit the growth of several types of cancer cells, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer and leukaemia. Onions and garlic are a rich source of quercetin, a bioflavonoid which has been found to be effective in healing wounds, preventing diabetic cataracts, and treating oral herpes.

Natural cancer treatment, Natural cures for cancer, treating cancer naturally, alternative ways to treat cancer.

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Saturday, March 13, 2010

Interview on Bizymoms

I recently did a written interview for the website It was the first time I had been invited to do an interview, so I figured what the heck. They bravely posted the interview, despite the fact that my responses could be seen as controversial. You can find it here.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vitamin D May Prevent Flu and Asthma

The AJCN just published a new controlled trial evaluating the effectiveness of vitamin D supplements on flu and asthma (1). Dr. Hiroyuki Ida's group gave Japanese schoolchildren (10 years average age) 1,200 IU of vitamin D3 or placebo per day from December through March. They found that children taking vitamin D had a significantly lower incidence of influenza A but not influenza B. These are two strains of flu that each accounted for roughly half the flu incidence in this population. Sadly, if you add the total flu incidence for A and B together (which the authors don't do in their tables), vitamin D supplementation didn't reduce total flu incidence significantly.

They also found that in the subset of children not already taking vitamin D supplements, the effect was greater, with unsupplemented children contracting nearly three times as many influenza A infections as children receiving vitamin D. They didn't analyze the influenza B or total influenza incidence in that way, so we don't know if prior supplementation makes a difference there.

The most striking finding of the paper is that the vitamin D group suffered from 6 times fewer asthma attacks than the placebo group. This needs to be repeated but it's consistent with other data and I find it very encouraging.

The paper did have some limitations. They didn't measure vitamin D status so they have no way to know exactly how effective their pill-based supplements were.

Another problem is that they began collecting data immediately after beginning supplementation. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that can take 3 months to reach maximum concentration in the body following supplementation. By the time the children were reaching their maximum serum concentration of vitamin D, the trial was over. It would be nice to see the next trial begin supplementation in the fall and look at flu incidence in the winter.

This paper comes on the heels of another showing that vitamin D is necessary for the activation of an immune cell called the killer T cell (2). These are important for resistance to infections and cancer. Overall, these papers add to the accumulating evidence that vitamin D is important for the proper functioning of the human immune system. However, mice may not be the best model for use in studying vitamin D biology. From the first paper:
The evolution of different mechanisms for the regulation of PLC-γ1 activity in human and mouse T cells parallels the development of divergent VDR-dependent and VDR-independent antimicrobial pathways in human and mouse macrophages31, respectively, and may reflect the fact that mice are nocturnal animals with fur and humans are daytime creatures that synthesize vitamin D in the skin after exposure to ultraviolet light.
In other words, mice don't use vitamin D in the same way as humans because they have a different evolutionary relationship to it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A False Dichotomy

In the discussion section of the last post, the eternal argument about non-industrial people arose: were their lives (a) "nasty, brutish and short" (Hobbes), or were they (b) "noble savages" (Shaftesbury) living in Eden? The former argument states that they had awful lives, and we should be glad we're living int he 21st century. The latter argument implies that we should emulate them as much as possible. Each side is bursting with anecdotes to support their position.

Any time the discussion reaches this point, it stops providing us anything useful. The argument is a false dichotomy, one in which neither answer is correct. The correct answer is (c): none of the above. Some aspects of hunter-gatherer life are preferable to ours, and some aspects of our lives are preferable to theirs. Understanding that we spent a lot of evolutionary time as hunter-gatherers, as well as a few thousand years in small, tightly knit agricultural communities, may be useful in understanding how to work constructively with our own bodies and minds in the modern world.

So please, let's leave behind the false dichotomy and foster a more nuanced understanding of hunter-gatherer life.

More unknown remedies that could cure

Jatropha stimulosa is a poisonous plant which grows in the southern areas of America. However it's seeds are known to have some natural medicinal properties which could help to cure diseases such as cancer. It was reccomended, by a doctor as an alternative treatment for syphilis.

Jatropha stimulosa is commonly known as bull nettle, and it's seeds can be used as a natural remedy. The latex of Jatropha contains an alkaloid known as "Jetrophine"  and although research is being done into use as an alternative bioenergy, medicinal research is looking into it's properties as an anti-cancerous cure.

It is without doubt that this unusual remedy needs more research, however early signs are optermistic about it being a leading cure for cancer and other illness.

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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Paying Through The Nose - The Cost of Nasal Woes

The numbers are always changing, and they are not going down. Americans spend billions of dollars every year treating acidic nasal, allergy, sinus, ear and asthma problems. The dollars spent are only part of the price tag. The cost in terms of time off work, away from school, sitting in a doctor's office and just time spent feeling lousy is sky-high. How about time spent in the bathroom dealing with side effects of an acidic medication? What about lost sleep, lack of focus and impatience with family and co-workers?

The point is, if your nose isn't working properly you are losing time and money, as well as impacting your quality of life.

You are, quite literally, paying through the nose.

Consider these figures, just a sampling of the numbers illustrating the annual cost of nose woes:

* Billions of dollars spent on medicine and treatment for allergic rhinitis

* Over 25 million Americans suffer from hay fever symptoms each year

* The majority of all acidic antibiotic prescriptions are written to treat respiratory infections

* Billions of dollars spent on the evaluation and treatment of ear infections

* Quality of life is significantly reduced for those who suffer from hay fever

* Asthma is the most common cause of school absenteeism due to chronic conditions

* Billions of dollars spent to treat the acidic condition of asthma per year

* Children typically have 2-9 acidic or so-called viral respiratory illnesses per year

Childhood asthma prevalence more than doubled from 1980 to the mid-1990s and remains at historically high levels. The factors driving this pattern are still not fully understood. Contributing factors include increased environmental acidic pollution, processed acidic foods, and in general, unhealthy acidic lifestyles. Asthma is one of the leading chronic acidic childhood diseases in the United States and a major cause of childhood disability.

Okay, that's the bad news.

The good news is you don't have to just suffer and spend money. You can do something to reverse both the symptoms and the cause of these acidic conditions.

Start the pH Miracle Lifestyle and Dietary Program and watch all these acidic symptoms disappear. I would also suggest washing your sinuses everyday with Nasalpure. Nasalpure contains two alkalizing compounds of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate to flush acidic mucous and toxins out of the sinus cavities.

You can learn more by going to:

Monday, March 8, 2010

The Paleolithic Mind

I went to a meditation retreat this week with the Red Cedar Zen community in Bellingham. It was a good experience. Staring at a wall from 6 am to 9 pm for a few days gives you the opportunity to learn a few things about your mind. Some of these are things you already know on some level, but you just need to have them reinforced. For example, the weight of psychological stress that we carry in modern societies like the US. It's only when it goes away for a while that you can see how heavy it was.

I'm totally ignorant of the scientific literature on this, but the way I see it, there are at least two main sources of psychological stress in the modern world for which we aren't well equipped as human beings:
  • Being eternally and inescapably subordinate in a large social structure
  • Having too many responsibilities such as possessions and obligations
I recently read an excellent article by Michael Finkel in National Geographic magazine on the Hadza of Tanzania. The Hadza are a hunter-gatherer group living in a way that may resemble how our ancestors lived for most of the last million years. Here are a few characteristics of the Hadza lifestyle as described by the author:
The Hadza do not engage in warfare [although they do have homicide]. They've never lived densely enough to be seriously threatened by an infectious outbreak. They have no known history of famine; rather, there is evidence of people from a farming group coming to live with them during a time of crop failure. The Hadza diet remains even today more stable and varied than that of most of the world's citizens. They enjoy an extraordinary amount of leisure time. Anthropologists have estimated that they "work"—actively pursue food—four to six hours a day. And over all these thousands of years, they've left hardly more than a footprint on the land.
This isn't intended to idealize their lifestyle, but to point out that being a hunter-gatherer has its advantages. One of these is a minimal social structure in which each person is has full authority over himself:
The Hadza recognize no official leaders. Camps are tra­ditionally named after a senior male (hence, Onwas's camp), but this honor does not confer any particular power. Individual autonomy is the hallmark of the Hadza. No Hadza adult has authority over any other. None has more wealth; or, rather, they all have no wealth. There are few social obligations—no birthdays, no religious holidays, no anniversaries.
Even "marriage" doesn't carry much obligation. The author describes the Hadza as "serial monogamists". The idea of an eternal bond between two individuals doesn't exist. Women are not subordinate to men:
Gender roles are distinct, but for women there is none of the forced subservience knit into many other cultures. A significant number of Hadza women who marry out of the group soon return, unwilling to accept bullying treatment. Among the Hadza, women are frequently the ones who initiate a breakup—woe to the man who proves himself an incompetent hunter or treats his wife poorly. In Onwas's camp, some of the loudest, brashest members were women.
Contrast this with modern civilizations in which everyone has a boss-- whether it's at a job, in a marriage or under your country's legal system. I think this feeling of perpetual subordination is destructive to an animal such as ourselves, that has spent so much of its existence mostly free of these pressures.

The author says this about their possessions:
Traditional Hadza, like Onwas and his camp mates, live almost entirely free of possessions. The things they own—a cooking pot, a water container, an ax—can be wrapped in a blanket and carried over a shoulder.
This resembles other African hunter-gatherer groups that have few and simple tools. From the book The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society:
!Kung tools are few in number, lightweight, made from locally available materials, and multipurpose.
Again, this is in sharp contrast to the modern world, where we have so many belongings it's impossible to keep track of them all. We have giant houses that we "need" to store all these things, and still it doesn't seem like enough. Many of our possessions are indispensable if we want to fit in to society. We need (or feel we need) clothes, cookware, identification, money, transportation, furniture, tools, sports gear, et cetera. Having to be responsible for this extraordinary quantity of possessions (by evolutionary standards) is a heavy weight on our minds.

Unfortunately, we have more than just possessions on our minds. To live in the modern world is to be pricked to death by a thousand small responsibilities. Remember to make your lunch. Remember to make a doctor's appointment, shop for groceries, tie your shoes, get your oil changed, send that e-mail, make dinner, go for a jog, vacuum the floor, take a shower, pick up the kids-- the list is endless. Are our memories as defective as we think they are, or are we simply not designed to keep track of so many details?

In hunter-gatherer times, we had stress. Homicide, accidents, infectious disease and predation were always stalking us. But it was a totally different kind of stress-- it was occasional, powerful and brief rather than a constant flow of obligations clogging the paths of our minds. Most days were leisurely, with plenty of time for gossiping, staring at the clouds and dozing off.

Those times are gone for us, but perhaps keeping them in mind can help us live more constructively in the modern world. I find that meditation helps keep the thousand pricks of modern life in perspective, perhaps bringing my mind closer to the paleolithic state.

Do natural cures work?

What do you think?, do natural cures work for you?. I am always looking for new ideas and ways to use alternative health, and would rather go down the natural health remedy route, than the conventional way. My own personal experience of natural remedies has been mixed. The most succesful supplement has to be high doses of vitamin c which as you may know from older posts I have used for the treatment of flu type viruses and illness. Vitamin c in higher doses is yet to prove that it can protect me from heart disease and cancer's, I hope that it will.

5-HTP has been very useful in the treatment of anxiety, but only in the early stages. I have tried other home remedies such a valerian with only limited success, it may be that such remedies as valerian need to be given more time to work, say three months or more, I did not give the remedy that long, so I may try it again in the future.

Garlic supplements in higher doses may be useful in the protection against illness such as viruses, high blood pressure and high levels of bad cholesterol, but again I cannot be sure that garlic is helping.

What are your experiences of natural healing using alternative ways such as remedies and supplements, please reply in comments leaving you url. Thank you.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Is Modern Medicine Founded on Error?

Friday, December 07, 2007 by: Gabriel Donohoe, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) Modern medicine is firmly founded on the "Germ Theory of Disease" promulgated by Louis Pasteur in the 1860's. Pasteur's 140-year-old theory is still the medical paradigm upon which Western medicine fights disease as we enter the 21st century.

But with a huge increase today in infectious diseases and the rapidly rising epidemic of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other chronic illnesses; we have to wonder if Pasteur's theory is really that sound.

Consider this alarming statistic from a report commissioned by the Nutrition Institute of America in October, 2003: 2.2 million hospital patients suffer Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) to prescribed medicine each year leading to the deaths of 106,000 people. In other words, over 2,000 Americans die each week from properly prescribed medicine in properly prescribed doses.

This is a serious indictment of pharmaceutical medicine which is inextricably based on Pasteur's germ theory.

According to Pasteur:

· Germs, or microbes, cause disease
· Germs invade the body from the outside, i.e., air, water, or food
· Human blood is sterile and can only be infected by outside microbes
· Germs are monomorphic, i.e., they have only one form and can be identified by species
· Specific diseases are caused by specific germs
· Germs should be killed by pharmaceutical drugs

In the 1870s Pasteur's germ theory was developed further by William Koch, a contemporary and rival of Pasteur, whose proofs of the germ theory are still known today as "Koch's Postulates". See Koch's Postulates at ('s_postulates)

Basically, Koch's contribution to the germ theory was to prove that a specific type of germ caused a specific disease, that the germ would be found in all people suffering from that particular disease but not healthy people, and that every person exposed to these germs would fall ill with disease.

However, Koch had to abandon part of his first postulate when he discovered that healthy people could carry the germs of certain diseases and yet show no symptoms. He also had to revise his third postulate when it was shown that some people could be exposed to virulent germs yet not catch the disease.

The "proofs" of the new Germ Theory were already showing flaws.

Still, despite being highly controversial in the late 1800s, the Germ Theory was quickly adopted by the medical powers of the day. This new theory about germs invading from outside the body empowered the medical and pharmaceutical industry as guardians of human and animal health. People became dependent on the fledgling medical/drugs industry for information and protection from disease. Thus, Modern Medicine was born.

A number of eminent scientists opposed Pasteur and The Germ Theory, most notably the highly respected Professor Antoine Béchamp. Béchamp was a reserved, modest man and a much more distinguished scientist than the self-promoting chemist, Louis Pasteur. (It is believed today that Pasteur stole much of Béchamp's work and passed it off as his own. This prompted R.B. Pearson to write a book in the 1940s called "Pasteur, Plagiarist, Imposter.") See text at (

Béchamp and other scientists believed in the theory of pleomorphism, that a microbe could evolve through many forms from virus to bacterium to yeast to fungus to mold and could even de-evolve back to a pre-virus again. Béchamp could see this evolution and de-evolution clearly in his microscope. Big Medicine rejected pleomorphism back then just as it will not even look at pleomorphic phenomena filmed and documented by scientists today, such as Dr. Robert O. Young in San Diego, California.

Another of Béchamp's contemporaries, Claude Bernard, expounded on the pleomorphic theory and said that the inner terrain or "milieu interieur" was the cause of disease, and not microbes. It was discovered that acidic blood and tissue provide a terrain that is ideal for disease to develop. When the terrain becomes acidic, microbes evolve into pathogenic forms and carry out the work nature designed them to do – as cleaners and undertakers, scavenging inflamed or infected tissue.

The acidity or acid/alkaline balance of the blood is measured by pH, the potential of Hydrogen, see ( and is a very important marker for good health. The blood will do all it can to keep its pH at 7.365, or slightly alkaline. It will even strip alkaline reserves like calcium from the bones to buffer a rise in acidity. (This can lead to a condition labelled by modern medicine as osteoporosis.)

When the pH drops, even by .1, the increase in acidity is interpreted by the microbes, already present in the body in their billions, as a sign of a dead or dying body. This prompts them to morph from benign bacteria into virulent yeast and mold so that they can reduce the body to the dust from whence it came.

Even Pasteur eventually realized the truth of this and on his death-bed said that "Bernard was right... the microbe is nothing; the terrain is everything." But Big Medicine now chose to ignore him. They sensed that the germ theory provided a gilt-edged opportunity to amass a huge fortune.

Béchamp and others in the scientific community opposed the germ theory and advocated the theory of pleomorphism, saying:

· Acidic terrain, not germs, cause disease
· Germs are already in the body by the billions and don't necessarily have to come from without (although that can sometimes happen)
· Blood is not sterile but can contain many microbial forms
· Germs are pleomorphic, i.e., they can change through many forms (Dr Gaston Naessens identified a microbe undergoing 16 different stages of evolution)
· Virtually all diseases are caused by acidic terrain
· Diseases can be prevented or reversed by increasing the alkalinity of the terrain

What led Professor Béchamp to formulate his pleomorphic theory was the discovery of great numbers of small grainy objects in live blood samples which he observed through his microscope. Many of his contemporaries dismissed these tiny life forms as laboratory contamination which were of no importance. But they intrigued Béchamp. He named them "microzymas" or "little bodies".

He found microzymas present in every cell in the bloodstream, in animals, in plants, and even in rocks. He found them present in the remains of dead animals many years after the animal's body had withered away to dust. He observed that in a healthy organism, microzymas work at repairing and nourishing all cells; but when the terrain becomes acidic, the microzymas morph into viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus, and mold and prepare to break the host down.

Béchamp's work was ignored, ridiculed, suppressed, and soon forgotten. Down through the years, some scientists discovered pleomorphic phenomena for themselves - Enderlein, Rife, Reich, Livingston-Wheeler, Naessens, and more recently, in the U.S., Dr. Robert O. Young (San Diego) and Dr. David Jubb (New York). Most had no recourse to the works of earlier scientists and thought that their discoveries were unique to them. Like Béchamp before them, they too found their discoveries ignored or suppressed.

All of them were fascinated with the "little bodies" that Béchamp had called "microzymas". Enderlein called them "protits", Livingston-Wheeler called them "Progenitor cryptocides", and Naessens called them "somatids". But all found that they couldn't destroy these "little bodies" even when subjecting them to excessive carbonizing temperatures or high dosage radiation.

Dr. David Jubb calls them "Colloids of Life" and says that they are indestructible. They resist "enormous heat, radiation, and chemicals and can reside in petrochemical solution, in hot rock deep within the Earth, in meteorites and in radioactive water inside nuclear power stations. Upon the loss of life of its host, colloid of life return to the earth. A colloid of life is the unknown factor between the animate and the inanimate." (Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation, p.14.)

That last sentence has quite a resonance. Dr. Jubb is saying that colloids of life, or microzymas, are the smallest observable life forms between spirit and matter.

We still have a lot to learn about life, medicine, and healing but we need to approach these things with an open, inquisitive mind.

How long will it take modern medicine to accept that germs don't cause disease but only appear as a result of disease? Who will fund research into the pleomorphic work begun by Béchamp, Enderlein, Rife and others? Who is brave enough to confront Big Pharma's doctrinaire, Pasteurian approach to drug based medicine?

When a group of people are exposed to a virus or food toxin, modern medicine examines only those who get sick. What they should do is examine those who didn't get sick. One would no doubt find that the sick people had acidic blood and tissue while those who didn't succumb to the virus/toxin were alkaline. Therein lies the key to health.

Disease cannot take hold in an alkaline body. An alkalising diet and way of living can prevent and reverse disease. But don't expect this to be endorsed by orthodox medicine – there's no profit in it.

Recommended reading: "Sick And Tired..." and "The pH Miracle" by Dr. Robert O. Young, "Rethinking Pasteur's Germ Theory" by Dr. Nancy Appleton, "Alkalize Or Die" by Dr.T.A. Baroody, "The Cancer Cure That Worked" by Barry Lynes, "Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation" by Dr. David Jubb, and "The Blood And Its Third Anatomical Element" by Prof. Antoine Béchamp.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Symptoms & Diseases Confused

In this very revealing and thought-provoking presentation, Dr. Young helps us to to take a clear-eyed look at how illogical current medical thinking is about diagnosis of symptoms, naming diseases, and then prescribing drug treatments. If you want to know the real CAUSE of some common dis-ease conditions, read on!

"Disease or should we say Dis-ease names like cancer,
diabetes and osteoporosis are misleading and misinform
patients about dis-ease prevention.

There is a curious tendency in conventional medicine
to name a set of symptoms a disease. I was recently
at a compounding pharmacy having my bone mineral
density measured to update my health stats. I
spotted a poster touting a new drug for osteoporosis.
It was written by a drug company and it said
exactly this: 'Osteoporosis is a disease that causes
weak and fragile bones.' Then, the poster went on to
say that you need a particular drug to counteract this 'disease.'

Yet the language is all backwards. Osteoporosis isn't
a disease that causes weak bones, osteoporosis is
the name given to a diagnosis of weak bones. In other
words, the weak bones are the result of excess acidity,
and then the diagnosis of osteoporosis followed.

The drug poster makes it sound like osteoporosis
strikes first, and then you get weak bones. The
cause and effect is all backwards. And that's
how drug companies want people to think about
diseases and symptoms: first you 'get' the dis-ease,
and then you are 'diagnosed' just in time to take
a new drug for the rest of your life.

But it's all an illuision. There is no such
disease as osteoporosis. It's just a made-up name
given to a pattern of symptoms that indicates
you are over-acid which causes your bones to
become fragile.

As another example, when a person follows an
unhealthy lifestyle that results in a symptom
such as high blood pressure, that symptom is
actually being assumed to be a disease all by
itself and it will be given a disease name.
What disease? The dis-ease is, of course,
'hypertension' or 'high blood pressure.'
Doctors throw this phrase around as if it
were an actual dis-ease and not merely
descriptive of patient physiology.

This may all seem silly, right? But there's
actually a very important point to all this.

When we look at symptoms and give them disease
names, we automatically distort the selection
of available treatments for such a dis-ease.
If the dis-ease is, by itself, hypercholesterolemia
or high cholesterol, then the cure for the dis-ease
must be nothing other than lowering the high
cholesterol. And that's how we end up with all
these pharmaceuticals treating high cholesterol
in order to 'prevent' this dis-ease and lower
the levels of LDL cholesterol in the human patient.

By lowering only the cholesterol, the doctor can
rest assured that he is, in fact, treating this
'disease,' since the definition of this 'disease'
is hypercholesterolemia or high cholesterol and
nothing else.

But there is a fatal flaw in this approach to
disease treatment: the symptom is not the cause
of the dis-ease. There is another cause, and
this deeper cause is routinely ignored by
conventional medicine, doctors, drug companies,
and even patients.

Let's take a closer look at hypertension or
high blood pressure. What actually causes high
blood pressure? Many doctors would say high
blood pressure is caused by a specific, measurable
interaction between circulating chemicals in the
human body. Thus, the ill-behaved chemical
compounds are the cause of the high blood pressure,
and therefore the solution is to regulate these
chemicals. That's exactly what pharmaceuticals
do -- they attempt to manipulate the chemicals
in the body to adjust the symptoms of high blood
pressure. Thus, they only treat the symptoms,
not the root cause.

Or take a look at high cholesterol. The conventional
medicine approach says that high cholesterol is
caused by a chemical imbalance in the liver, which
is the organ that produces cholesterol. Thus the
treatment for high cholesterol is a prescription
drug that inhibits the liver's production of
cholesterol (statin drugs). Upon taking these
drugs, the high cholesterol (the 'disease')
is regulated, but what was causing the liver to
overproduce cholesterol in the first place?
That causative factor remains ignored.

The root cause of high cholesterol, as it turns
out, is primarily an over acidic lifestyle and
diet. A person lives an acidic life or who eats
foods that are acidic will inevitably cause the
body to go into preservation mode and produce more
cholesterol to neutralize the excess acid thus
showing the symptoms of this so-called dis-ease
of high cholesterol. Its simple cause and effect.
Eat the wrong foods and don't exercise, and you'll
produce too much acid which will cause the body to
release cholesterol from the liver to bind up
that acid which can be detected and diagnosed by
conventional medical procedures. You see it is
not the cholesterol that is bad it is the acid
producing food we eat and the lack of exercise
that is bad. Reduce the acid producing foods
like beef, chicken, pork, dairy, coffee, tea,
soda pops, etc., and start exercising every day
and you will reduce the protective cholesterol
that is saving your life from acids that are
not being elimnated from an acidic lifestyle
and diet.

Yet the root cause of all this is actually poor
lifestyle and food choice, not some bizarre
behavior by the liver. If the disease were to
be accurately named, then, it would be called
Acidic Lifestyle and Food Choice Dis-Ease, or
simply ALFCD.

ALFCD would be a far more accurate name that
would make sense to people. If it's an acidic
lifestyle and foods choice dis-ease, then it
seems that the obvious solution to the dis-ease
would be to choose a lifestyle and foods that
aren't so acidic. Of course that may be a bit
of simplification since you have to distinguish
between healthy alkaline lifestyles and foods
and unhealthy acidic lifestyle and foods. But
at least the name ALFCD gives clients or patients
a better idea of what's actually going on rather
than naming the dis-ease after a symptom, such
as high cholesterol. You see, the symptom is not
the dis-ease, but conventional medicine insists
on calling the symptom the dis-ease because that
way it can treat the symptom and claim success
without actually addressing the underlying cause,
which remains a mystery to modern medicine.

But let's move on to some other dis-eases so you
get a clearer picture of how this actually works.
Another dis-ease that's caused by poor lifestyle
and acidic food choice is diabetes. Type 2
diabetes is the natural physiological and metabolic
result of a person consuming refined carbohydrates
and added sugars in large quantities, undigested
proteins from beef, chicken, and pork without
engaging in regular physical exercise that would
compensate for such dietary practices.

The name 'diabetes' is meaningless to the average
person. The disease should be called Excessive Acid
Dis-Ease, or EAD. If it were called Excessive Acid
Dis-ease, the solution to it would be rather apparent;
simply eat less sugar, eliminate all animal proteins,
eggs, dairy, drink fewer soft drinks, exercise and so
on. But of course that would be far too simple for
the medical community, so the dis-ease must be given
a complex name such as diabetes that puts its
solution out of reach of the average patient.

Another dis-ease that is named after its symptom
is cancer. In fact, to this day, most doctors and
many patients still believe that cancer is a physical
thing: a tumor. In reality, a tumor is the solution
of cancer, not its cause. A tumor is simply a
physical manifestation of bound up acidic cells
so they do not spoil other healthy cells. The
tumor is the solution to cells damaged by acids
not the problem. The truth is cancer is not a
cell but an acidic liquid. When a person 'has
cancer,' what they really have is cancerous tissues
or latent tissue acidosis. They are absorbing
their own acidic urine. It would be a far better
named for the dis-ease: Cancerous Tisssue Dis-Ease(CTD)
or Latent Tissue Acidosis or LTA.

If cancer were actually called Latent Tissue Acidosis,
it would seem ridiculous to try to cure cancer by
cutting out tumors through surgery and by destroying
the immune system with chemotherapy. And yet these
are precisely the most popular treatments for cancer
offered by conventional medicine. These treatments
do absolutely nothing to support the patient's
immune system and prevent the build up of acids
in the tissues. That's exactly why most people who
undergo chemotherapy or the removal of tumors through
surgical procedures end up with yet more cancer a few
months or a few years later. It's also another reason
why survival rates of cancer have barely budged over
the last twenty years. (In other words, conventional
medicine's treatments for cancer simply don't work.)
The main reason is current medical science wrongly
perceives cancer as a cell when in reality cancer
is an acidic liquid, like lactic acid.

This whole situation stems from the fact that the
dis-ease is misnamed. It isn't cancer, it isn't a
tumor and it certainly isn't a dis-ease caused by
having too strong of an immune system that needs
to be destroyed through chemotherapy. It is simply
latent tissue acidosis. And if it were called
latent tissue acidosis dis-ease or urine in the
tissues dis-ease, the effective treatment for
cancer would be apparent.

The kidneys are responsible for eliminating acids
out of the blood and recycling alkalinity back into
the blood. When we have an over-acidic lifestyle
and diet this puts stress on the kidneys which
can cause them to breakdown. The result is kidney
dis-ease caused by circulatory acids. If acids
are not eliminated out of the blood they will
then be thrown out into the tissues leading to
latent tissue acidosis and eventual cancerous
tissue. Medical science uses dialysis to purify
the blood from acidity and prevent latent tissue
acidosis. If one will stop their acidic lifestyle
and diet and begin to alkalize the blood and
tissues this will support the kidneys and
prevent kidney disease and the need for

There are many other dis-eases that are given
misleading names by western medicine. But if you
look around the world and take a look at how
dis-eases are named elsewhere, you will find
many countries have dis-ease names that actually
make sense.

For example, in Chinese medicine, Alzheimer's
dis-ease is given a name that means, when
translated, 'feeble mind disease.' In Chinese
medicine, the name of the dis-ease more accurately
describes the actual cause of the dis-ease which
is caused by acids or urine on the brain, whereas
in western medicine, the name of the dis-ease
seems to be intended to obscure the root cause
of the dis-ease, thereby making all dis-eases
sound far more complex and mysterious than they
really are.

This is one way in which doctors and practitioners
of western medicine keep medical treatments out
of the reach of the average citizen. Because,
by God, they sure don't want people thinking for
themselves about the causes of dis-ease!

By creating a whole new vocabulary for medical
conditions, they can speak their own secret
language and make sure that people who aren't
schooled in medicine don't understand what
they're saying. That's a shame, because the
treatments and cures for virtually all chronic
dis-eases are actually quite simple and can be
described in plain language, such as making
different alkaline food choices, getting more
natural sunlight, drinking more alkaline water,
engaging in regular physical exercise, avoiding
specific acidic foods, supplementing our diet
with green foods and green drinks and alkalizing
nutritional supplements and so on.

See, western medicine prefers to describe
dis-eases in terms of chemistry. When you're
depressed, you aren't suffering from a lack of
natural sunlight; you are suffering from a 'brain
chemistry imbalance' that can only be regulated,
they claim, by ingesting toxic chemicals to alter
your brain chemistry. When your bones are brittle,
it's not acidic brittle bones dis-ease; it's
called osteoporosis, something that sounds very
technical and complicated. And to treat it, western
doctors and physicians will give you prescriptions
for expensive drugs that somehow claim to make
your bones less brittle. But in fact, the real
treatment for this can be described in plain
language once again: regular physical exercise,
vitamin D supplementation, mineral supplements
that include calcium and strontium, natural sunlight,
and avoidance of acidic foods such as soft drinks,
white flour and added sugars.

In fact, virtually every dis-ease that's prominent
in modern society -- diabetes, cancer, heart
disease, osteoporosis, clinical depression,
irritable bowel syndrome and so on -- can be
easily described in plain language without
using complex terms at all. These dis-eases
are simply misnamed. And I believe that they
are intentionally misnamed to put the jargon
out of reach of everyday citizens. As a result,
there's a great deal of arrogance in the language
of western medicine, and this arrogance furthers
the language of separation. Separation never
results in healing. In order to effect healing,
we must bring together the language of healers
and patients using plain language that real people
understand and that real people can act upon.

We need to start describing dis-eases in terms
of their root causes, not in terms of their arcane,
biochemical actions. When someone suffers from
seasonal affective disorder or clinical depression,
for example, let's call it what it is: Sunlight
Deficiency Disorder. To treat it, the person simply
needs to get more sunlight. This isn't rocket science,
it's not complex, and it doesn't require a

If someone is suffering from osteoporosis, let's
get realistic about the words we use to describe
the condition: it's really Acidic Bones Dis-ease.
And it should be treated with things that will
enhance bone density, such as nutrition, physical
exercise and avoidance of acidic foods and drinks
that strip away bone mass from the human body to
neutralize the excess acids in the blood and

All of this information, of course, is rather
shocking to old-school doctors and practitioners
of western medicine, and the bigger their egos
are, the more they hate the idea of naming dis-eases
in plain language that patients can actually
comprehend. That's because if the simple truths
about dis-eases and their causes were known,
health would be more readily available to everyday
people, and that would lessen the importance of
physicians and medical researchers.

There's a great deal of ego invested in the medical
community, and they sure don't want to make sound
health attainable to the average person without
their expert advice. Many Doctors want to serve
as the translators of 'truth' and will balk at
any attempts to educate the public to either practice
medicine on their own.

But in reality, health (and a connection with
spirit) is attainable by every single person.
Health is easy, it is straightforward, it is direct
and, for the most part, it is available free of
charge. A personal connection with our Creator is
the same if we ask humbly in prayer for a
relationship with Him, and guidance.

Don't believe the names of dis-eases given to you
by your doctor. Those names are designed to obscure,
not to inform. They are designed to separate you
from self-healing, not to put you in touch with your
own inner healer. And thus, they are nothing more
than bad medicine masquerading as modern medical

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