Monday, September 19, 2011

Funding available to help communities fight cervical cancer

For the second year, agencies, coalitions and community groups are invited to apply for funding to improve cervical cancer screening rates and human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccinations in their areas. Cervical Cancer-Free Kentucky, housed in the University of Kentucky College of Public Health, has funding available and will be awarding mini-grants in the coming year, Ann Blackford of the UK news service reports.

In August, 13 agencies received CCFKy funding ranging from $7,000 to 20,000 for projects that will help residents in 19 Kentucky counties.

"CCFKy saw great results from the first year of funded projects," said Dr. Baretta R. Casey, director of CCFKy. "The projects' outcomes convinced our team that increasing the number of funded agencies in the second year will move our mission of a cervical cancer-free Kentucky forward. Let's stop the deaths of women in Kentucky from this preventable and curable disease."

About 391 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer every year in Kentucky and 66 Kentucky women die. (Read more)


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