Thursday, October 27, 2011

Giuliani backs P'Pool, citing attorney general candidate's opposition to health-care reform law

Republican Rudy Giuliani, former mayor of New York City and presidential candidate in 2007-08, has endorsed GOP nominee Todd P'Pool in the race for attorney general, citing the candidate's "eagerness to join the legal fight against President Barack Obama's health care overhaul," reports Bruce Schreiner of The Associated Press.

"You've got to elect Todd as your next attorney general because you want to put Kentucky on the side of those states that say 'enough' with how far left our government has gone ... on health care policy," Giuliani said at a rally.

Twenty-six states are "challenging the law's requirements that people buy health insurance or pay a penalty on their taxes" starting in 2014, Schreiner reports. All of the attorneys general in the case are Republicans, except those in Iowa, Nevada and Wyoming. (In some states, attorneys general are appointed.) The case is headed to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Conway, who is seeking a second term, has defended the basic approach of the law, bringing into coverage most of the uninsured who now use emergency rooms to get care, while saying parts of it need changing. Giuliani said, "Your attorney general has Kentucky in a position, by not opposing it, of supporting Obamacare." (Read more)


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