Wednesday, November 30, 2011

U of L spinal cord center brings in $13.7 million in 2011, $64.1 million since 2000

The University of Louisville's spinal cord scientists attracted more than $13.7 million in outside funding in 2011 alone, and have brought in a total of $64.1 million since 2000.

"This is tangible evidence of our effort to become a nationally recognized premier metropolitan research university," said U of L President James Ramsey. "We have taken the investment that the state has made in our program, brought in the best researchers to work on spinal cord injury, and begun to help people."

One major success story was that of Rob Summers, who played college baseball in Oregon and was paralyzed below the chest after a car accident in 2006. "In May, a team from U of L and two California universities announced that they had used electrical stimulation and rehabilitation to help (him) stand and take steps with assistance — a breakthrough with implications for millions of paralyzed people around the world," reports Laura Ungar of The Courier-Journal. (Read more)


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