A great video from Charlie Siefe, Professor at NYU and in his talk at Google. If you read here enough then you know I am a fan because he’s right and breaks this down to what reality is. He may have sold a few books from this blog too come to think of it:)
What do you think of what you read in the news today? Listen up here and you might begin to think a little differently. I have my own interpretation on how some of this comes down the hill for consumers which I have called “The Attack of the Killer Algorithms” to take this from his very scientific information down to how it eventually affects all of us as consumers. Actually I went one step further with my opinion here and talked about our new consumer protection chief and hoping that he too has some understanding of the Dark Arts and again what I call the “attacks” and the link below has some good examples of how we are in fact under attack when deception is involved. These are all public documented stories with my interpretation as questioning the algorithms and their intents of whether we are looking for accurate or desired results. Welcome to the world of discrimination by the algorithm.
President Appoints Richard Cordray as New Consumer
Financial Protection Chief - Hope He Knows And Understands Correcting Flawed Math and Formulas To Battle the “Financial Attack of Killer Algorithms” On Consumers With Banks and Corporate USA
The video is about 70% healthcare stats and information so it is well worth the watch. I love the study about apples and bananas eaten together that could cause cancer, very good example of totally random calls and this is just food, but how does it impact you and when you see this often enough, how does it affect what you think? There’s nothing real here. Our “P” values have deceived us. This is a long and lengthy video to view when you have time to absorb it all.
Confirmation bias, he speaks of, listen up here and see what this means. Most published research findings are wrong he states. Even scientists who are doing the best job they can are wrong much more often than they are right. Time helps the results to become more accurate. Politicians play on this heavily.
If you missed it, here’s another broadcast worth listening too and I had a ton of referrals from MIT and other websites on this one with readers.
“Numbers Don’t Lie, But People Do”–Radio Interview from Charles Siefe–Journalists Take Note, He Addresses How Marketing And Bogus Statistics Are Sources of Problems That Mislead the Public & Government
Mathematical nonsense is a danger we live with today and is changing our society in ways that may not always be the best. Stay tuned for the Q and A session as cancer stats are discussed along with quite a few other stats and reports. Diabetes testing is brought up and the fact that there are error bars on the meters, not saying they are not worth using, but be aware of variance. BD
Charles Seife, a journalist with Science magazine, has also written for New Scientist, Scientific American, The Economist, Wired UK, and The Sciences, among many other publications. His previous titles include Alpha & Omega and Zero. He received an MS in Probability Theory and Artificial Intelligence from Yale.
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