The stats on this say it is affecting one out of every six state residents. In addition this has landed the breach in the top 10 Health security failures that have bee reported since 2009.
Hackers Broke Into State Computers in Utah and Stole Medicaid Records and Other Personal Data Such as Social Security Numbers
The FBI is now in on the investigation and so far there are no reports
of any of the stolen information having been used. Just yesterday there was this article on how Medicare Fraud is becoming like organized crime with the bad folks being armed with guns and so forth. BD
Healthcare Billing Fraud–Office of the Inspector General HHS-OIG Is Finding “Organized Crime” With Some Criminals Armed With Guns and More….
State officials announced the new, dramatically higher numbers on Monday. Late last week, they had expanded their initial estimate and said the breach affected 181,604 Utahns on public health insurance, most of them kids on Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Whether it constitutes the largest release of personal health information by a Utah state agency, officials couldn’t say.
But it touches one in every six Utahns, landing in the top 10 health security failures reported since late 2009 to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
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