Friday, April 16, 2010

Do high doses of vitamin C cure?

Do high doses of vitamin C cures disease and illness?. Many people just regard vitamin c as an orange, or a supplement that you can take, and that it is a natural way the common cold can be helped. 60mg of vitamin C is what you may get when eating an orange. This can be beneficial to your health and may reduce the discomfort of a cold. However what I am interested in is doses of 1000mg plus, and up to 100,000mg per day. I feel sure that high doses like this could cure cancers, heart disease, high blood pressure and cholesterol problems, among other illness and disease.

Have doses of 100,000mg of vitamin c been tested on people with cancer?, or have they used just 10,000mg per day?. I think that cost must come in to this, and more research must be done.

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Do natural cures work? High doses of vitamin c.New ideas and ways using alternative health

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