Monday, August 8, 2011

Kentuckians gather to support breastfeeding; part of world event

Kentuckians gathered in several places Saturday to show their support of breast feeding. Events were held in Ashland, Edgewood, Lexington, Louisville, Nicholasville, Owensboro and Paducah as a part of the Big Latch On, “a one-minute synchronized nursing event in multiple locations” sponsored by the La Leche League USA, Valarie Honeycutt Spears of the Lexington Herald-Leader reports. (H-L photo)

Shayna Chasteen of London told Spears she attended the Lexington event “to help make other mothers aware of the benefits of breast-feeding and to promote ‘normalizing breast-feeding in public.” Brion Barnhill, the only father who attended the Lexington event, told Spears, “Luckily my wife cares more about my baby’s health than what somebody else thinks.”

Kentucky law supports breast feeding, allowing mothers to breast-feed or express milk in any public or private location without it being considered public indecency or indecent exposure, Spears reports. “We stress breast-feeding as the gold standard in infant feeding, because of the nutritional and health advantages it provides,” Cabinet for Health and Family Services Secretary Janie Miller said in a statement. “Women have more success with breast-feeding when they receive consistent and accurate information and are supported by their health care providers, family and community.” (Read more)

The Big Latch On was part of the World Breastfeeding Week, Aug. 1-7. To learn more about the event or locate a La Leche League in your area, click here.


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