Tuesday, August 23, 2011

UK Extension Service launches online challenge to improve physical and financial wellness

The University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service has created an online challenge designed to help people improve their health and financial status. The Kentucky Fall 2011 Small Steps to Health and Wealth challenge starts Sept. 4 and runs to Oct. 2.

The free program asks participants to track daily choices they make about nutrition, physical activity and saving money. As they enter data into 10 categories, participants will earn points and see a comparison of their progress to other participants. Top finishers will receive prize packs. The first 150 people to complete the challenge will get a UK water bottle.

"As individuals work toward improving both their health and personal finances, it is important to realize that small changes do make a difference," said Jennifer Hunter, UK assistant extension professor for family financial management in the UK College of Agriculture. "Adopting only one of the 10 recommended daily practices is a step in the right direction."

To register, click here or call a local extension office.


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