Monday, November 29, 2010

Choline and Fatty Liver

I've been writing about non-alcoholic fatty liver disorder (NAFLD) since the early days of this blog, because it's an alarmingly common disorder (roughly a quarter of Americans affected) that is typically undiagnosed. It often progresses into its more serious cousin non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), an inflammatory condition that causes liver damage and can progress to cancer. In a number of previous posts, I pinpointed excess sugar and seed oil consumption as culprits in NAFLD and NASH (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Chris Masterjohn recently published two very informative posts on NAFLD/NASH that add a major additional factor to the equation: choline (6, 7). Choline is an essential nutrient that's required for the transport of fat out of the liver (8). NAFLD can be caused, and cured, simply by removing or adding dietary choline, and it appears to be dominant over other dietary factors including fat, sugar and alcohol. Apparently, certain researchers have been aware of this for some time, but it hasn't entered into the mainstream consciousness.

Could that be because the richest dietary sources are liver and eggs*? Choline is also found in smaller amounts in a variety of whole animal and plant foods. Most people don't get the officially recommended amount. From a recent review article (9):
Mean choline intakes for older children, men, women, and pregnant women are far below the adequate intake level established by the [Institute of Medicine]. Given the importance of choline in a wide range of critical functions in the human body, coupled with less-than-optimal intakes among the population, dietary guidance should be developed to encourage the intake of choline-rich foods.
I've dubbed beef liver the Most Nutritious Food in the World, Nature's Multivitamin, and I'll probably invent other titles for it in the future. Add yours to the comments. Learn to love liver! I think it's an excellent food to eat on a weekly basis.

Head over to Chris's blog and read about the classic studies he unearthed. And add The Daily Lipid to your RSS reader, because there's more interesting material to come!

The Sweet Truth about Liver and Egg Yolks
Does Choline Deficiency Contribute to Fatty Liver in Humans?

* For the brave: brain is actually the richest source of choline.

Risk of premature death is dependent on the volume of hips - Danish scientists

In people with hips at least 60 centimeters in circumference greater risk of premature death. In addition, they used to begin to develop diseases of the cardiovascular system

These are data from a study conducted at Copenhagen University Hospital by a team led by Professor Berit Heitmann (Berit Heitmann).

This dependence is equally typical for both men and women. The study authors emphasize that thick thighs to the contrary, Curative effect does not provide.
The conclusions arrived at by Professor Heitmann, based on long-term study group of 3000 people. The first measurements were carried out in 1987-1988. Then, a decade in the survey group was recorded cases of deaths and cardiovascular diseases.

Studying the distribution of cases by a number of parameters, the researchers found that healthier parts of the circumference of the hips, on average higher. Such risk factors as smoking and high cholesterol were excluded from the evaluation reports

C on the other hand, the low mass of muscle tissue in the hips can lead to low sensitivity to inuslinu and, in the long run, diabetes mellitus type that is often complicated by cardiac disease.

Chief bodyguard of President of Ecuador has died from influenza A/H1N1

Head of Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa died of influenza A/H1N1 virus
The newspaper said Lt. Col. John Merino was hospitalized 28 days ago and died Sunday, Sept. 6.

According to RIA Novosti, the president of Ecuador has expressed its condolences to the family Merino.

Recall that in late August, Colombian President Alvaro Uribe flu A/H1N1, but last week it was reported that he is recovering and his life is not threatened.

According to the regional office of the World Health Organization on Friday, September 4, in the world of influenza A/H1N1 died more than 3,2 thousand people, the number of confirmed cases is approaching 271,000.

Doctors try to cure the boy of bloody tears

The call for help, with which 15-year-old American appeared on television, responded to an ophthalmologist

He will be taken to cure blood tears teenager that could not handle other doctors.
Bloody tears suddenly appear in a 15-year-old Calvin Inman three times a day, and the bleeding can last up to one hour, reports

According to the teenager, they sometimes felt as a regular watering, and sometimes accompanied by a burning sensation in his eyes. Because of the disorder, symptoms of which periodically occur during school hours, most of my classmates said Inman "possessed by the Devil"

This condition, occurring only rarely called gemolakrii. It can cause swelling of lacrimal glands and ducts, trauma, infection and other diseases. In some cases, like Inman, gemolakriya occurs for no apparent reason.

Mother of a teenager Tammy Maynett repeatedly appealed to the doctors about the condition of her son. He performed MRIs, CT scans, ultrasound and other studies, however, identify the cause of bloody tears and could not.

Inman with his mother decided to speak on television in the hope that someone from the audience-physicians interested in this opportunity to offer their services for diagnosis and treatment.

On an appeal has already responded to an ophthalmologist, James Fleming of the Hamilton Institute of eyes in Memphis. The specialist said that in his practice he had encountered several cases gemolakrii, and he hopes he can help a teen.

After 20 years, depression will become the most common ailment

According to the World Health Organization, over the next 20 years, depression will become the most common ailment among people

According to WHO, to date, 450 million people worldwide suffer from disorders and mental abnormalities.

According to Dr. Sheher Sacks, at the Department of Mental Health, depression is common today in the world is much broader than some other diseases that are so afraid of people, for example, AIDS or cancer.

"You can call it a silent epidemic, because cases of diagnosed depression is increasing, while incidence of other diseases actually decreases," - said the expert.

Depression becomes a big problem especially for developing countries because they are more scarce resources to finance the branch of medicine that is responsible for improving the mental health of citizens. This is reported Martin Prince, Professor of Psychiatry at King's College London, United Kingdom, considered any costs incurred by the state represented by a person in a state of depression.

Vegetarianism leads to memory impairment

British scientists have concluded that vegetarianism has a direct impact on memory impairment, and problems with brain vegetarians have up to 6 times higher than that of people with a balanced diet

The problem of senile memory impairment is one of the most pressing against the background of increasing human longevity, which is growing from year to year, but only the rare old leads an active lifestyle, which is due to degradation of the brain. Brain cells begin to die after 25 years, and after a 40 day brain loses 100 to 2 million neurons, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that with age, problems associated with deterioration of memory, attention, vision and hearing.

British scientists within five years studying the causes that affect cognitive function in the brain, according to And they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism has a direct impact on memory impairment, and problems with brain vegetarians have up to 6 times higher than that of people with a balanced diet.

It is not that sensational findings of scientists, they have only confirmed that the brain without amino acids and vitamins can not normally or develop or operate. Part of the essential amino acids, which are neurotransmitters, which were essential to the work of memory and intellectual activity, enter the body only from foods of animal origin (meat, eggs, milk, fish).

Also most of the vitamins necessary for a synthesis of hormones and neurotransmitters, are practically absent from foods of plant origin. Lack of these essential substances, and leads to accelerated degradation of the brain in elderly people. A vegetarian diet is as dangerous and for posterity.

As follows from the report of American doctors, children vegetarian mothers are at risk of mental retardation due to lack of the same vitamins and amino acids that lead to degradation of the brain in the elderly. Child's brain during the first months of life developed very rapidly, and in mother's milk, vegetarian is not enough vitamins and amino acids for its full development.

Many vegetarians are trying to compensate for the lack of animal protein by increasing intake of legumes, especially soybeans. But, unfortunately, do it practically impossible: found in legumes, not all amino acids and vitamins necessary for the brain. Moreover, by-products may lead to opposite effects.

Thus, according to research experts from Oxford University found that tofu affects the memory of people, notably in old age. Under the influence of tofu at 20% worsening brain activity, and as a result, deteriorating memory.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Scientists discover why a red-haired people are afraid of dentists

American scientists have discovered that red-haired people are afraid of dental visits stronger than the other, and have found the genetic basis of this fact

Red hair color is caused by certain species of the gene encoding the melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R), is responsible for pigmentation. Contrary to the existing point of view that this gene is active only in the skin, hair and iris of the eye, recent studies have shown that it also functions in the brain that control pain reactions, anxiety and fear.

To confirm the role of the MC1R gene in the formation of these reactions, researchers from the University of Louisville in Kentucky examined the association of red hair color and the corresponding gene variants with the reaction to dental treatment, according to
Revealed that of 144 white volunteers greatest anxiety when visiting the dentist showed carriers of the variants of the gene MC1R. They also tried to avoid dental treatment twice as often as the other participants of the experiment.

Carriers studied variants of the gene were 65 of 67 red-haired volunteers. At the same time, one of these options are found only a quarter of the 77 dark-haired participants.

Based on these results a team led by Katherine Binkley recommended a dentist to place more emphasis on psychological preparation of patients for the upcoming red treatment.

Alcohol causes cancer of the mouth and throat - scientists

Alcohol is a major cause of much more frequent cases of cancer of the mouth and throat among the forty-year men and women. This conclusion was British scientists

According to statistics, the number of cases of cancer of lips, tongue, gums and throat in people aged 40 to 50 years increased by 28% (men) and 24% (women) over the last decade.

At the same time, alcohol consumption, for example, in Britain s1950 years has doubled, and British scientists and oncologists believe that this fact, along with smoking, is the most likely explanation for the frequent cases of cancer of the mouth, says "BBC" .

"People do not even realize how close is the relationship between alcohol and cancer. Liver disease is still considered the main result of alcohol abuse. However, more and more people begin to suffer oncology because of their addiction, "- said the executive director of the organization conducting the alcohol policy, Don Shenker.

In addition, another possible cause of cancer such physicians consider the lack of fruits and vegetables in the human diet.

Each year from cancer of the mouth and throat in the UK about 1800 people die. Each year, doctors diagnosed a disappointing endure five thousand patients. According to doctors, oral cancer treatment is applied if it is detected early.

The main signs of the emergence of the disease are ulcers, cracks, white or red patches in the mouth that do not go more than three weeks. Pain or discomfort in the ears can also indicate the development process.

Four Ukrainians were infected with swine flu in France

Four of religious pilgrims from Ukraine, who were in the French Alps in the monastery of Notre-Dame de la Salette, became ill with swine flu

The health status of cases does not cause concern. They were promptly provided with medication, ITAR-TASS.

Each year, the monastery of Notre-Dame de la Salette is visited by thousands of pilgrims from around the world. According to legend, it was in Salette in 1846, there was the phenomenon of Our Lady of two local shepherds.

As reported by the local sanitary and health inspection, none of the pilgrims who were in contact with the Ukrainians, signs of the disease is not observed.
In early August, another Ukrainian, a little boy during a vacation in summer camp "Azure" Nizhny Novgorod Oblast, Russia infected with swine flu. He has already recovered.

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Young Ukrainian contracted H1N1 in a summer camp Russia

In three children, holidaymakers in summer camps in Russia, confirmed the swine flu. Among them - a child from Ukraine.

"The boy, who came from Germany to rest in the camp of" Azure "in Nizhny Novgorod region, on the third day of fever, and we found H1N1. In this case, it has infected another child from Ukraine. Now both he and the other recovered "- said the chief state sanitary doctor Gennady Onishchenko, RIA Novosti reported. In Russia, three cases of swine flu among children, he added.

"This year we celebrate the fact that the second shift delivery of influenza A/H1N1 in the camp of" Ocean. " One girl on the second day gave the temperature "- Onishchenko said about a third of cases among children.

In Primorye, at the invitation of Russian President, is currently resting Chinese children from areas affected by the earthquake. In particular, in the camp of "Ocean" rest 496 children from China with 51 attendant, among them - 8 health care workers.
According to Onishchenko, a young Chinese girl has recovered and returned to the camp, where he continues to rest.

Meanwhile, the number of officially confirmed cases of influenza A/H1N1 in Russia has reached 55. All in all the world, according to the World Health Organization, confirmed about 170 000 cases of swine flu. The number of victims of influenza A/H1N1 has exceeded one thousand.
In turn, German experts say that mass vaccination could turn into an experiment on human beings, according to Deutsche Welle.

"What we propose to make, you can call holding mass experience of the population of Germany", - said the doctor and the medical journal publisher Arznei-Telegramm Wolfgang Becker Bryuzer edition of Der Spiegel, sharply criticized the planned in many countries in Europe, mass inoculation of A / H1N1.

Vaccine trial on the safety of health were not carried out in full, he said. According to him, poorly understood side effects that occur in one out of hundred.
Head of the Department of Health in the Senate of Bremen, Matthias Grul believe that flu shots may not be needed.

"If the disease will continue to proceed in the same mild form, as it was still in most cases, the necessity of mass vaccination is not" - quoted expert Der Spiegel. According to Grulya, now there is no evidence confirming the opinion of some specialists that the fall will begin a new, more powerful wave of diseases.

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Friday, November 26, 2010


In addition to trivial infections like colds and flu, are caused by different viruses that can occur in the upper and lower respiratory tract bacterial infection and more serious diseases. If the body's own defense is too weak or the number of invading bacteria is too high, there is an infection that is manifested by the typical symptoms of redness, warmth, swelling, pain and loss of function. Depending on the site of infection occur in the upper respiratory tract infections of the ears (otitis), the tonsils (tonsillitis = angina), the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis), throat (pharyngitis) or larynx (laryngitis) on. In the area of the lower respiratory tract can cause inflammation of the trachea and bronchi (bronchitis) or even lead to lung inflammation (pneumonia).

Besides viruses and bacteria, although there are also fungi, protozoa (single cell) and other microorganisms as infectious agents, but these occur on relatively rare. Infection takes place in respiratory infections usually by droplet infection, ie the germs of a sick person by sneezing, coughing or speaking with fine droplets through the air and spun by others absorbed through the respiratory tract. Therefore, it is advisable to avoid, especially in the wet cold season, larger crowds in small spaces.

Depending on the type of infection can cause the following symptoms:
* Sniffles.
* Cough.
* Hoarseness.
* Sore throat.
* Fever.
* Head and body aches.
* Ear pain.
* Chills.
* Fatigue.
Most of them are in acute respiratory infections by disease, but there is also a chronic course, often such as bronchitis. Characterized by a chronic infection is the constant presence of the infectious stimulus, with an occasional, more or less severe flare-ups of symptoms. This does not pass acute infection into a chronic condition, they must be adequately addressed; a prescribed antibiotic must be taken long enough (usually by using up a box).

What can you do?
* Drink plenty! (Not too hot and too spicy, mineral water, hot tea ...)
* Physical protection, fever and bed rest, plenty of sleep.
* The-counter medications, such as for example decongestant nose drops, paracetamol tablets or suppositories for pain and fever, cough and throat lozenges for disinfecting, analgesic or moistening of the throat to relieve the discomfort.
* Inhaling with chamomile tea or essential oils, possibly before the nose drops.
* Mouthwash / gargle with warm chamomile or sage tea or warm salt water (1 / 4 teaspoon salt to 1 glass of water).
Fives * / rubbing e.g. with liniment or balm with essential oils.
* Room air moisten, e.g. Hang wet towels or obscure essential oils.
* No smoking (with).

What your doctor can do?
* The physician can determine the extent and cause of the infection.
* Is this a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe an appropriate antibiotic to combat the pathogen.
* Viral infections can only alleviate the symptoms and the spread of infection and secondary infections can be prevented.

* Strengthen the immune system.
* To keep sick people apart.
* Pay attention, especially in the wet cold season appropriate clothing (not too light but not too warm).

Thursday, November 25, 2010


The following are Holiday Season lifestyle and dietary conditions (called dis-eases by allopathic medicine) for which I have given new names:

1) "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a traveler during their more unusual or some what different from normal lifestyle than when they were not traveling. A typical traveler's day will upset one's normal metabolism and alkalizing digestive habits. They eat and drink different foods at different times and different volumes than usual, which creates an over-acidic state and a need for more alkaline buffers (bicarbonates likepHour salts) leading to indigestion, nausea, acid reflux, heartburn, belching, flatulence, vomiting, constipation, dehydration and further problems of acidity, depending on the degree of irregularity. "Traveler's Acidic Consequence" is commonly blamed by allopathic medical science on a particular site on the traveler's path as if he/she caught something. This current medical ideology is based on Pasteur's illusionary germ theory and is a scientific myth. The true cause of this condition is the result of the traveler's acidic lifestyle dietary choices and the lack of alkaline hydration, nutrition and hygiene that can result in this over-acidic condition. All the above symptoms is the body in preservation mode trying its best to re-establish the alkaline pH of the internal environment at 7.365 to 7.4.

2) Holiday Season - "I Ate and Drank Too Much "S!!!"Dis-Ease" is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a person during the Holiday season eating and drinking everything in site from "swine to wine." This over indulgence may cause belching and flatulence and eventual heart burn, acid reflux, nausea, constipation and even brain, breast, lung, liver and bowel parasites for which medical science will often prescribe the purple pill. This Holiday Season condition may then lead to the third Holiday Season consequence -

3) "Holiday Season Food Drunkedness" is a result of over-eating and over-drinking acidic foods and liquids and then falling into a drunken state on the sofa or bed for several hours or even days to sleep off all the excess acidity. Falling asleep after a heavy acidic Holiday meal is a common occurrence for acid over-eaters and acid drinkers.

4) "Holiday Season Influenza" (The Flu) is a result of the sum total consumption and behaviors of a person during a so-called Holiday acid feast. A person will consume acidic foods and drinks that they may not know or know that are not healthy or alkalizing, i.e., more sugar or sugar substitutes than normal, alcohol, meats (especially the tape and fluke worm favorites such as pork, beef, turkey, chicken and fish (especially raw fish) and much of this at greater volumes than normal. This person becomes detrimentally influenced physically and emotionally by Holiday acidic foods and drinks. According to medical savants, "Holiday Season Influenza" is commonly blamed on a particular virus contracted from another person(s) and not from acidic lifestyle and dietary choices of that person. Like the acidic traveler, a person chooses to consume on their own as many acidic foods and drinks during the Holiday Season and as a result are suffering from the consequences of their poor dietary acidic choices -- this condition is not from some phantom (does not exist) flu virus! The flu is nothing more than the body increasing body temperature to improve circulation to remove excess acidity through perspiration, respiration, defecation and urination.

Also, please keep in mind it doesn't take either traveling or Holidays for someone to express the symptoms of "Traveler's Acidic Consequence,"and/or "I Ate and Drank Too Much S!!! Disease," and/or "Holiday Season Food Drunk," and/or "Holiday Season Influenza." All you need to do is consume excessive amounts of acidic meats (especially pork,turkey and chicken), chocolate, ice cream, cake, alcohol or other acidic mind boggling thrillers. Any of these four non-contagious lifestyle and dietary conditions can happen anytime during the year. But,the Holiday Season seems to be the time when most people over-indulge in highly acidic lifestyles and diets!

This coming Holiday Season may you resolve not to succumb to the acidic choices that lead to "Traveler's Acidic Consequence," or "I Ate and Drank Too MuchS!!! Dis-ease," "Holiday Season Food Drunk" and/or"Holiday Season Influenza."

In love and healing alkaline light,

Dr. Robert O. Young

PS This year before sitting down to a highly acidic Holiday Season meal, watch the following youtube video. You cannot kill parasites with heat. All you can do is put them to sleep and risk them waking up inside your body. Also, watching this video might change your mind about eating that left-over Thanksgiving ham or even urine laced turkey. It is by no coincidence that turkey and chicken are referred to as "foul." Birds like turkey and chicken have no urinary tract system and are therefore more likely to adsorb their own urine into their tissues. But, that's what makes them so juicy.

PSS I hope we can all learn to take responsibility for our own lifestyle and dietary choices and the consequences we may experience rather then blaming it or transferring personal responsibility to a phantom or harmless virus - like the Swine Flu virus, Ebola virus, HIV virus, HPV virus, West Nile virus, Bird flu virus, Spanish Flu, N1H1, Turkey Flu, Pig Flu and the list goes on and on and on! So-called viruses DO NOT cause sickness or disease - our acidic lifestyle and diet choices do!

You do health by making healthy choices or you can do sickness and disease by making unhealthy lifestyle and dietary choices. Making acidic lifestyle and dietary choices the last 3 months of the year can take 10 yearsoff your life at age 40 and 20 years off your life at age 80.

You can live a healthy and fit life to 100 and beyond if you will make better alkaline lifestyle and dietary choices NOW!

PSSS To learn how to prevent (without an acidic dis-easecausing vaccine) "Holiday Season Influenza,"may I suggest watching the following DVD's or listeningto the following CD's: The pH Miracle - Full version Shopping with Shelley 1 & 2, Back to the House of Health 2, The pH Miracle for Healthy Weight Loss, The pH Miracle for Men and Women, The pH Miracle for Cancer, The Harvard Lecture, Younga Yoga Vol I and II, Cooking with Shelley and our latest book, The pH Miracle Revised and Updated.

PSSSS Check out our healthy Holiday Gift Packs and may I suggest the "Box" which includes a free 1 day Retreat at The Rancho del Sol:


Tuesday, November 23, 2010


AIDS is the abbreviation of the term Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, i.e. acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is at the final stage of chronic infection with the human (human) immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that leads to Immunes with frequent infections and tumors. Until the outbreak of AIDS can take years or decades, 50% of those infected are 10 years after infection in the AIDS stage. It comes to life-threatening diseases leading to death within a few years.

The HIV - virus seeks out certain immune cells of the human body as host cells that it infects. The virus "programmed" the nucleus of these cells a way, that they only produce new viruses until the infected immune cells eventually die. The newly formed viruses then they look for new immune cells as "victims". This will gradually weakened the immune system and invading pathogens or emerging cancer cells have an easy game. There is a breakdown of the immune system. A number of pathogens (called opportunistic pathogens) that are relatively harmless to healthy people and certain types of cancer can spread the virus weakened organism without interruption and at death.

The virus is found in various body fluids in different concentrations. When sperm is highly infectious, followed by blood. Vaginal fluid and urine contained lower levels of virus, saliva is only slightly infectious. A HIV - infection trigger must virus-containing liquids to enter the bloodstream. Are sufficient under certain circumstances, small wounds. A mere contact of virus-containing material with a healthy, intact skin or mucous membrane is sufficient for HIV - infection. Outside the body, the HI - virus do not survive long.

After infection with the virus and incubation period of one to three weeks can occur in some patients with acute flu-like illness. These nonspecific symptoms (fever, skin rash, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, muscle and joint pain, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, etc.) do not allow any direct conclusion of an HIV infection. There follows a months to years long stage in which, although viruses and antibodies to HIV detected in the blood, the infected person while not healthy. In this phase, he can pass the disease but already unknowingly to others. The first signs that show that the disease progresses may increase in fungal infections, diarrhea, his swollen lymph nodes, fever or weight loss. The last stage of infection corresponds to the disease AIDS. This can occur among other diseases, some of which are caused by opportunistic pathogens:
* Diseases of the nervous system, for example Meningitis (meningitis), weakness, physical and mental breakdowns.
* Infections with toxoplasma organisms.
* Severe forms of pneumonia very difficult to treat pathogens (eg Pneumocystis)
* Extensive fungal infection of the mucous membranes, for example the trachea or windpipe.
* - Virus infections (eg herpes - virus or cytomegalovirus).
* Tuberculosis.
* Diarrhea.
* Certain types of cancer (for example, Kaposi's sarcoma).
* Severe weight loss.

Common causes:
The transmission of HIV via:
* Unprotected sexual intercourse, during which there is direct contact with infected body fluids (semen, vaginal fluid or blood). It also facilitates other sexually transmitted diseases or infections of the skin and mucous membranes of the genital viral entry.
* The sharing of injection equipment among drug addicts.
* From an infected mother to her baby during pregnancy, at birth or through breast milk rare.
* By infected blood and blood products (this is in the industrialized countries but today is not dangerous any more). Infection through infected donor tissue or semen from sperm banks are unlikely.

HIV is not transmitted:
* By insect bites.
* Through everyday contact with infected people in work and family life, such as Coughing, touching, hugging or using the same glasses or cutlery, door handles, telephones, towels, toilets, hairdressing scissors.
* In the sauna or swimming pool.

What can you do about HIV - infection prevention?
* Most important protective measure is the use of condoms during sexual intercourse. This is especially true in risky sexual practices (e.g. anal intercourse), at-risk groups and frequently changing sexual partners. One hundred percent protection is also not established, for example, in the case of a leaky condom.
* Drug addicts should be aware of the risk of infection with the common use of syringes and needles.
* Health care professionals and people do, first aid, are all activities that they can bring with infectious body fluids on them, wear gloves.

What can you do if you have HIV - infected?
* A positive test result should be confirmed by at least one more test.
* Seek advice from physician and regularly examined in detail.
* Try to live a healthy life and everything that weakens the body in addition to avoiding (excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, poor diet, etc.).
* Avoid places and behaviors with high risk of infection. Even traveling in tropical countries with an increased risk of illness should be avoided.
* HIV-positive women should be discouraged from getting pregnant because the risk of transmission to the child 15 - 30%.
* Avoid anything that might lead to infection of other people (see prevention).

What your doctor can do?
* The doctor may first perform an HIV test. A special test can detect viral components in the blood within days after infection. Antibodies in the blood may be collected depending on the test 2-3 weeks or 1-2 months after infection. It is therefore important to know, was conducted at which time the type of test. A negative test result after 3-6 months of suspected infection is considered safe. In a positive test result, it is important that the doctor will advise you in detail or to another physician or a counseling center has that can handle the job. In a detailed examination, the doctor can determine how far the disease has progressed and when the time is right for the onset of therapy. An important note here the determination of a type of immune cells in the blood, the so-called T4-helper cells or CD4 cells, the number with progressive disease falls further and further.

* With the modern drugs can also delay the onset of the AIDS stage clear and significant prolongation of life can be achieved. In addition, a therapy hinzielen on maintaining the quality of life of patients. Whether AIDS is curable with the currently available treatments is uncertain. For therapy drugs have been developed that inhibit the multiplication of HIV and protect the infected cells from dying. Standard therapy is now mostly a triple combination of drugs was used, and the patient must adhere to a strict regimen. Some patients have significant side effects. In addition to the therapy against the virus itself are preventive measures against opportunistic pathogens (so) extremely important.

* In exceptional cases, after exposure to HIV viruses (e.g. needle stick injury with infected blood) virus transmission are prevented by the immediate initiation of therapy. Because of the severe side effects of such therapy is, however, a contingency measure.

Monday, November 22, 2010

The end of anxiety

I take it all back about natural treatment with regard to anxiety. I
found my own cure for anxiety by accident. I went to the doctors
because I had pain in my shoulder, which felt like a trapped nerve.
The doctor prescribed Pregabalin a drug which helps nerve pain.
However when I took them I felt like a million pound. I was really
on a high, there was no anxiety. I have not felt like this for thirty
years. I found on the net this comment about Pregabalin.
Generalized anxiety disorder is one of the most common psychiatric problems. There are several treatment options available; one of which is pregabalin (brand name Lyrica), a non-benzodiazepine medication traditionally used to treat pain resulting from damaged nerves.
Pregabalin it seems is used to treat generalized anxiety disorder, and if anyone is reading this and has anxiety, try to get Pregabalin it is wonderful. There is no way any natural herb would be able to work as well as this. I am cured

Sunday, November 21, 2010

HEMATOMA – Bruise.

When has withdrawn from a vessel under the skin blood is called a bruise (hematoma). It is immediately or only after days of a bruise, which later through the different decomposition stages of the blood until yellowish and then brownish. Deeper vessels are injured; the bleeding is visible as a swelling. Due to the pressure exerted the leaked blood on the tissue, can lead to pain. Extensive bleeding can affect the functioning of muscles and joints. Depending on the size and location (eg in the skull or the eye socket), a bruise is also dangerous.

Common causes:
* External agents (contusion, bruise, bump, camber)
* Bleeding disorders caused by diseases or taking certain medications
* Vascular damage (for example, atherosclerosis).

What can you do?
* Most bruises will disappear after a few days by itself
* Immediately after the injury, ice packs or Eis sprays apply or hold the affected area under cold water. A 24 - hour treatment with cold cold wet compresses or ice packs and elevation to keep the bruising to a minimum. Subsequently, heat treatments, for example Thermal baths and mud packs.
* Ointments with heparin or hirudin promote the resolution of the hematoma.
* Ointments containing arnica arnica or envelopes are anti-inflammatory, reduces swelling and pain.
* Preparations with pineapple enzymes to promote healing. Note: Such enzymes may in bleeding disorders not take.

When you need a doctor?
* For very large bruises.
* If you experience severe pain or swelling.
* In particular, strong impact injuries to the head, eyes or bruising of the genitalia.
* Where there is no external influences often bruising.

What your doctor can do?
* For bruises and without intervention to determine the cause.
* Determine how much the injury is and whether there are other injuries.
* Must sometimes bruising open surgery.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Glucose Tolerance in Non-industrial Cultures


Glucose is the predominant blood sugar and one of the body's two main fuel sources (the other is fatty acids). Glucose, in one form or another, is also the main form of digestible dietary carbohydrate in nearly all human diets. Starch is made of long chains of glucose molecules, which are rapidly liberated and absorbed during digestion. Sucrose, or table sugar, is made of one glucose and one fructose molecule, which are separated before absorption.

Blood glucose is essential for life, but it can also be damaging if there is too much of it. Therefore, the body tries to keep it within a relatively tight range. Normal fasting glucose is roughly between 70 and 90 mg/dL*, but in the same individual it's usually within about 5 mg/dL on any given day. Sustained glucose above 160 mg/dL or so causes damage to multiple organ systems. Some people would put that number closer to 140 mg/dL.

The amount of glucose contained in a potato far exceeds the amount contained in the blood, so if all that glucose were to enter the blood at once, it would lead to a highly damaging blood glucose level. Fortunately, the body has a hormone designed to keep this from happening: insulin. Insulin tells cells to internalize glucose from the blood, and suppresses glucose release by the liver. It's released by the pancreas in response to eating carbohydrate, and protein to a lesser extent. The amount of insulin released is proportional to the amount of carbohydrate ingested, so that glucose entering the blood is cleared before it can accumulate.

Insulin doesn't clear all the glucose as it enters the bloodstream, however. Some of it does accumulate, leading to a spike in blood glucose. This usually doesn't exceed 130 mg/dL in a truly healthy person, and even if it approaches that level it's only briefly. However, diabetics have reduced insulin signaling, and eating a typical meal can cause their glucose to exceed 300 mg/dL due to reduced insulin action and/or insulin secretion. In affluent nations, this is typically due to type II diabetes, which begins as insulin resistance, a condition in which insulin is actually higher than normal but cells fail to respond to it.  The next step is the failure of insulin-secreting beta cells, which is what generally precipitates actual diabetes.

The precursor to diabetes is called glucose intolerance, or pre-diabetes. In someone with glucose intolerance, blood glucose after a typical meal will exceed that of a healthy person, but will not reach the diabetic range (a common definition of diabetes is 200 mg/dL or higher, 2 hours after ingesting 75g of glucose). Glucose tolerance refers to a person's ability to control blood glucose when challenged with dietary glucose, and can be used in some contexts as a useful predictor of diabetes risk and general metabolic health. Doctors use the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), which involves drinking 60-100g glucose and measuring blood glucose after one or two hours, to determine glucose tolerance.

Why do we care about glucose tolerance in non-industrial cultures?

One of the problems with modern medical research is that so many people in our culture are metabolically sick that it can be difficult to know if what we consider "normal" is really normal or healthy in the broader sense. Non-industrial cultures allow us to examine what the human metabolism is like in the absence of metabolic disease. I admit this rests on certain assumptions, particularly that these people aren't sick themselves. I don't think all non-industrial cultures are necessarily healthy, but I'm going to stick with those that research has shown have an exceptionally low prevalence of diabetes (by Western standards) and other "diseases of civilization" for the purposes of this post.

Here's the question I really want to answer in this post: do healthy non-industrial cultures with a very high carbohydrate intake have an excellent glucose tolerance, such that their blood glucose doesn't rise to a high level, or are they simply resistant to the damaging effects of high blood glucose?

The data

I'm going to start with an extreme example. In the 1960s, when it was fashionable to study non-industrial cultures, researchers investigated the diet and health of a culture in Tukisenta, in the highlands of Papua New Guinea. The eat practically nothing but sweet potatoes, and their typical daily fare is 94.6 percent carbohydrate. Whether or not you believe that exact number, their diet was clearly extraordinarily high in carbohydrate. They administered 100g OGTTs and measured blood glucose at one hour, which is a very stringent OGTT. They compared the results to those obtained in the 1965 Tecumseh study (US) obtained by the same method. Here's what they found (1):
Compared to Americans, in Tukisenta they had an extraordinary glucose tolerance at all ages. At one hour, their blood glucose was scarcely above normal fasting values, and glucose tolerance only decreased modestly with age. In contrast, in Americans over 50 years old, the average one-hour value was around 180 mg/dL!

Now let's take a look at the African Bantu in the Lobaye region of the Central African Republic. The Bantu are a large ethnic group who primarily subsist on a diverse array of starchy foods including grains, beans, plantains and root crops. One hour after a 100g OGTT, their blood glucose was 113 mg/dL, compared to 139 mg/dL in American controls (2). Those numbers are comparable to what investigators found in Tukisenta, and indicate an excellent glucose tolerance in the Bantu.

In South America, different investigators studied a group of native Americans in central Brazil that subsist primarily on cassava (a starchy root crop) and freshwater fish. Average blood glucose one hour after a 100g OGTT was 94 mg/dl, and only 2 out of 106 people tested had a reading over 160 mg/dL (both were older women) (Western Diseases: Their Emergence and Prevention, p. 149). Again, that indicates a phenomenal glucose tolerance by Western standards.

I have to conclude that high-carbohydrate non-industrial cultures probably don't experience damaging high blood glucose levels, because their glucose tolerance is up to the task of shuttling a huge amount of glucose out of the bloodstream before that happens.

Not so fast...

Now let's turn our attention to another study that may throw a wrench in the gears. A while back, I found a paper containing OGTT data for the !Kung San (also called the Bushmen), a hunter-gatherer group living in the Kalahari desert of Africa. I reported in an earlier post that they had a good glucose tolerance. When I revisited the paper recently, I realized I had misread it and in fact, their glucose tolerance was actually pretty poor.

Investigators administered a 50g OGTT, half what the other studies used. At one hour, the San had blood glucose readings of 169 mg/dL, compared to 142 mg/dL in Caucasian controls (3)! I suspect a 100g OGTT would have put them close to the diabetic range.

Wait a minute, these guys are hunter-gatherers living the ancestral lifestyle; aren't they supposed to be super healthy?? While I was mulling this over, I recalled a discussion on Peter's blog hyperlipid where commenters were discussing their diabetic OGTT values while on a low-carbohydrate diet. Apparently, carbohydrate refeeding for a few days generally reverses this and allows a normal OGTT in most people. It turns out this effect has been known for the better part of a century.

So what were the San eating? The study was conducted in October of 1970. The San diet changes seasonally, however their main staple food is the mongongo nut, which is mostly fat and which is available year-round (according to The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society). Their carbohydrate intake is generally low by Western standards, and at times of the year it is very low. This varies by the availability of other foods, but they generally don't seem to relish the fibrous starchy root crops that are available in the area, as they mostly eat them when other food is scarce. Jean-Louis Tu has posted a nice analysis of the San diet on BeyondVeg (4). Here's a photo of a San man collecting mongongo nuts from The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society:

What did the authors of the OGTT study have to say about their diet? Acknowledging that prior carbohydrate intake may have played a role in the OGTT results of the San, they made the following remark:
a retrospective dietary history (M. J. Konner, personal communication, 1971) indicated that the [San], in fact, consumed fairly large amounts of carbohydrate-rich vegetable food during the week before testing.
However, the dietary history was not provided, nor has it been published, so we have no way to assess the statement's accuracy or what was meant by "fairly large amounts of carbohydrate-rich vegetable food." Given the fact that the San diet generally ranges from moderately low to very low in carbohydrate, I suspect they were not getting much carbohydrate as a percentage of calories. Looking at the nutritional value of the starchy root foods they typically ate in appendix D of The !Kung San: Men, Women and Work in a Foraging Society, they are fibrous and most contain a low concentration of starch compared to a potato for example. The investigators may have been misled by the volume of these foods eaten, not realizing that they are not as rich in carbohydrate as the starchy root crops they are more familiar with.

You can draw your own conclusions, but I think the high OGTT result of the San probably reflect a low habitual carbohydrate intake, and not pre-diabetes. I have a very hard time believing that this culture wasn't able to handle the moderate amount of carbohydrate in their diet effectively, as observers have never described diabetic complications among them.

Putting it all together

This brings me to my hypothesis. I think a healthy human body is extraordinarily flexible in its ability to adapt to a very broad range of carbohydrate intakes, and adjusts glucose tolerance accordingly to maintain carbohydrate handling in a healthy range. In the context of a healthy diet and lifestyle (from birth), I suspect that nearly anyone can adjust to a very high carbohydrate intake without getting dangerous blood glucose spikes. A low carbohydrate intake leads to lower glucose handling and better fat handling, as one would expect. This can show up as impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes on an OGTT, but that does not necessarily reflect a pathological state in my opinion.

Every person is different based on lifestyle, diet, personal history and genetics. Not everyone in affluent nations has a good glucose tolerance, and some people will never be able to handle starch effectively under any circumstances. The best way to know how your body reacts to carbohydrate is to test your own post-meal blood glucose using a glucose meter. They are inexpensive and work well. For the most informative result, eat a relatively consistent amount of carbohydrate for a week to allow your body to adapt, then take a glucose measurement 1 and 2 hours after a meal. If you don't eat much carbohydrate, eating a potato might make you think you're diabetic, whereas after a week of adaptation you may find that a large potato does not spike your blood glucose beyond the healthy range.

Exercise is a powerful tool for combating glucose intolerance, as it increases the muscles' demand for glucose, causing them to transport it out of the blood greedily after a meal. Any exercise that depletes muscle glycogen should be effective.

* Assuming a typical carbohydrate intake. Chris Kresser recently argued, based on several studies, that true normal fasting glucose for a person eating a typical amount of carbohydrate is below 83 mg/dL. Low-carbohydrate eating may raise this number, but that doesn't necessarily indicate a pathological change. High-carbohydrate cultures such as the Kitavans, Aymara and New Guineans tend to have fasting values in the low 60s to low 70s. I suspect that a very high carbohydrate intake generally lowers fasting glucose in healthy people. That seems to be the case so far for Chris Voigt, on his diet of 20 potatoes a day. Stay tuned for an interview with Mr. Voigt in early December.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Urinary calculus

Kidney stones result from salts in the renal pelvis or - crystallize in the bladder - rare. Often the stones made of calcium oxalate, uric acid or calcium phosphate; form all substances, the water-insoluble compounds. The stones can be very small (kidney Gries), but also fill the entire renal pelvis. Men are more prone to kidney stones than women. If the stones migrate from the kidney into the ureter can lead to strangulation. Then suddenly violent cramping or stabbing pains occur in the lumbar region of (renal colic). In most cases the pain radiates on the unaffected side. Sometimes they are accompanied by chills, vomiting, urination or blood in the urine. Often the stones are washed out here.

If the stones are too great for walking caused chronic renal pelvic stones. Often such stones cause no symptoms. By continuous stimulation of the renal pelvic mucosa it may cause chronic kidney infections, which can eventually lead to shrinkage of the kidney.

Common causes:
* Disturbances of calcium metabolism.
* Disturbance of uric acid metabolism (see Gout).
* Too little fluid intake.
* Poor diet with too much protein, fat, calcium.
* Chronic urinary tract infections.
* Other diseases that impede urine flow and thus lead to a concentration of the urine.

What can you do?
* You should go at the first sign of urinary stones to the doctor.
* Drink plenty to deposit gravel or kidney stones do not, but may be washed out.
* Herbal drops or pills to take, which promote the flushing of the urinary tract, e.g. with horsetail, birch leaves, rest-harrow.

When you need a doctor?
* At the slightest suspicion of kidney stones or kidney infections, so in kidney pain, renal colic, possibly in conjunction with fever.
* Generally in blood in the urine, although there are of no pain.

What your doctor can do?
* The various studies can determine the location and size of the stones and then initiate appropriate treatment.
* Combination therapy consisting of analgesic, anticonvulsant drugs and flushing, heat, exercise and plenty of fluids put together.
* Uric acid stones can be dissolved with medication (see Gout).
* The stones can be removed with a medical sling, if they are favorable.
* Larger stones can be broken with shock wave treatment (ultrasound).
* In some cases, surgical intervention is necessary.
* The removed stones will be tested for their composition.
* Dietary advice, when analyzed, which consists of salts of the stone.

* Always drink plenty, especially in hot weather, heavy sweating, fever, etc.
* A diet can be useful. Especially, if ever there were stones and their composition was known, the relevant substances in food are largely avoided. For uric acid stones should be high in fat and meat consumption and the consumption of offal should be avoided. For calcium oxalate, it is useful to limit the consumption of milk and milk products (calcium), as well as spinach, rhubarb and tomatoes (oxalate).
* Urinary tract infections are treated accordingly.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


The body regulates its water balance by the amount of urination and thirst. Thirst indicates that the body needs more fluid, because the salt concentration increased in the body or the fluid volume has decreased. In rare cases, excessive thirst also be the signs of serious disease (e.g. diabetes). Old people often lose their natural sense of thirst. Care must be taken that won at least 1.5 liters per day are consumed.

Common causes:
* Heavy sweating.
* Salty foods.
* Diabetes (diabetes).
* Diarrhea or vomiting.
* Fever.
* After high alcohol consumption.
* Endocrine disorders.
* Kidney disease.
* Extensive injuries, high blood loss, burns.
* Dry mouth.

What can you do?
Drink plenty of fluids (E.g. mineral water, still water, herbal teas). Replace if heavy sweating and the lost minerals (e.g., apple juice after exercise is mixed with mineral water rates).

When you need a doctor?
* If you have any explanation for the thirst.
* If there are other symptoms such as fatigue or adding large amounts of urine and urinary frequency.

What your doctor can do?
Determining the serious illness, the cause of the thirst sensation.

In the event of extreme heat, strenuous activity, fever, diarrhea or vomiting sufficiently liquid.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Impressions from the Wise Traditions Conference

I spent last weekend at the Weston A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions conference in King of Prussia, PA. Here are some highlights:

Spending time with several people in the diet-health community who I’ve been wanting to meet in person, including Chris Masterjohn, Melissa McEwen and John Durant. John and Melissa are the public face of the New York city paleo movement. The four of us spent most of the weekend together tossing around ideas and making merry. I’ve been corresponding with Chris quite a bit lately and we’ve been thinking through some important diet-health questions together. He is brimming with good ideas. I also got to meet Sally Fallon Morell, the founder and president of the WAPF.

Attending talks. The highlight was Chris Masterjohn’s talk “Heart Disease and Molecular Degeneration: the New Paradigm”, in which he described his compelling theory on oxidative damage and cardiovascular disease, among other things. You can read some of his earlier ideas on the subject here. Another talk I really enjoyed was by Anore Jones, who lived with an isolated Inuit group in Alaska for 23 years and ate a mostly traditional hunter-gatherer diet. The food and preparation techniques they used were really interesting, including various techniques for extracting fats and preserving meats, berries and greens by fermentation. Jones has published books on the subject that I suspect would be very interesting, including Nauriat Niginaqtuat, Plants that We Eat, and Iqaluich Niginaqtuat, Fish that We Eat. The latter is freely available on the web here.

I attended a speech by Joel Salatin, the prolific Virginia farmer, writer and agricultural innovator, which was fun. I enjoyed Sally Fallon Morell’s talk on US school lunches and the politics surrounding them. I also attended a talk on food politics by Judith McGeary, a farmer, attorney and and activist, in which she described the reasons to oppose or modify senate bill 510. The gist is that it will be disproportionately hard on small farmers who are already disfavored by current regulations, making high quality food more difficult to obtain, more expensive or even illegal. It’s designed to improve food safety by targeting sources of food-borne pathogens, but how much are we going to have to cripple national food quality and farmer livelihood to achieve this, and will it even be effective? I don’t remember which speaker said this quote, and I’m paraphrasing, but it stuck with me: “I just want to be able to eat the same food my grandmother ate.” In 2010, that’s already difficult to achieve. Will it be impossible in 2030?

Giving my own talk. I thought it went well, although attendance was not as high as I had hoped. The talk was titled “Kakana Dina: Diet and Health in the Pacific Islands”, and in it I examined the relationship between diet and health in Pacific island cultures with different diets and at various stages of modernization. I’ve covered some of this material on my blog, in my posts on Kitava, Tokelau and sweet potato eating cultures in New Guinea, but other material was new and I went into greater detail on food habits and preparation methods. I also dug up a number of historical photos dating back as far as the 1870s.

The food. All the meat was pasture-raised, organic and locally sourced if possible. There was raw pasture-raised cheese, milk and butter. There was wild-caught fish. There were many fermented foods, including sauerkraut, kombucha and sourdough bread. I was really impressed that they were able to put this together for an entire conference.

The vendors. There was an assortment of wholesome and traditional foods, particularly fermented foods, quality dairy and pastured meats. There was an entire farmer’s market on-site on Saturday, with a number of Mennonite vendors selling traditional foods. I bought a bottle of beet kvass, a traditional Russian drink used for flavor and medicine, which was much better than the beet kvass I’ve made myself in the past. Beets are a remarkable food, in part due to their high nitrate content—beet juice has been shown to reduce high blood pressure substantially, possibly by increasing the important signaling molecule nitric oxide. I got to meet Sandeep Agarwal and his family, owners of the company Pure Indian Foods, which domestically produces top-quality pasture-fed ghee (Indian-style clarified butter). They now make tasty spiced ghee in addition to the plain flavor. Sandeep and family donated ghee for the big dinner on Saturday, which was used to cook delicious wild-caught salmon steaks donated by Vital Choice.

There were some elements of the conference that were not to my taste. But overall I’m glad I was able to go, meet some interesting people, give my talk and learn a thing or two.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Diphtheria is an infectious disease caused by bacteria (Corynebacterium diphtheriae). Diphtheria occurs worldwide. The pathogen is spread mainly by droplet or contact infection or by dust. The diseases are piling up in the winter months. The time from infection to onset of the disease (incubation period) is 2-5 days. The infection is usually localized in the throat.

The diphtheria pathogens produce a toxin (poison) that is responsible for the actual disease.

Localized diphtheria:
The bacteria remain localized to the throat, nose and throat area. The venom produced by them out at these points to a mucous membrane inflammation with formation of sweet-smelling, gray-white surfaces. Once the documents are rejected and they persist in the mucous membrane ulcers. Diphtherieart This is mostly benign, which means it is cured without leaving any significant damage.

Toxic diphtheria:
The inflammation and the formation of the gray-white documents is spreading to the trachea and bronchi. Breathing is difficult or even impossible hampered made so threatening that the sufferers of suffocation. The toxic effects are evident not only locally, but the poison attacks vital organs. It comes to the heart muscle damage that can lead even weeks after the disease to sudden cardiac death. Due to the damage of the nervous system can paralysis of eye muscles, leading to vision impairment, paralysis in the area of the soft palate, which lead to change hands, and later can form even paralysis of the neck muscles and arms.

As early as possible to the diphtheria antitoxin (antidote) to be administered. The bacteria themselves are fought by means of antibiotic.

Prophylaxis (prevention):
1. Vaccination:

* Against the poison of the diphtheria bacteria can you protect yourself by a vaccination. This consists of a toxoid, which rendered harmless poison the bacteria against which it is formed by the vaccine antibody. If you later come in contact with diphtheria bacteria, the body can immediately defend themselves against the bacterial toxin.
* In infants, the first Vaccination is administered at 3 months, usually in combination with a vaccination against tetanus. At 18 months, he is the 2nd Vaccination. At enrollment and at age 10, a booster dose should be performed. The vaccinations will be about 10 years, and receive should be re-refresh. The vaccine can be made up at any age.
* In recent years, occurred more frequently on diphtheria epidemic in the countries of the former Soviet Union. Should also remain vaccination fatigue persist, in the years to expect a rise in diphtheria disease.

2. Treatment of the bacteria carrier:
* Homemade diphtheria leaves a protection against the poison of the bacteria, but not against the bacteria itself this can spread the disease further support healthy bacteria. It is important to isolate the bacteria carrier and treated until they are free from bacteria.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Diabetes mellitus (popularly called diabetes) is the most common metabolic disorder it is estimated that suffer in the West about 6 to 8% of the population in diabetes. Sugar or sugar (glucose) is a carbohydrate and is the main energy supplier of the body. The glucose concentration in blood is normally sober 60-110 mg / dl. With increased energy requirements (such as sports, physical labor), an endogenous control system ensures that these levels do not drop too much. With a greater supply of carbohydrates increases the glucose level temporarily. The reduction in blood glucose levels is caused primarily by insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas (pancreas). It causes the cells to open their gates for sugar. If the pancreas is not able to produce enough insulin or the insulin by changing the cells no longer perform his job, not get glucose into the cells. Thus, the cells suffer from lack of glucose, while the sugar levels in the blood and excess sugar is excreted in the urine.

The following symptoms may occur in diabetes:
* Excessive thirst and large amounts of urine. The excretions of sugar causes always large amounts of water are excreted. The fluid loss leads to dehydration and a strong thirst.
* Depending on the type of diabetes may be weight loss and weakness. The lack of sugar in the cells is offset by the increased degradation of protein and fats, which can lead to weight loss and weakness due to protein deficiency.
* Blurred vision, muscle cramps.
* Tendency to skin, mucous membrane and gum disease and itching.
* Infections, slow healing wounds.
* Decrease in sexual interest and potency. In the worst case it's a diabetic coma with rapid breathing, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, excessive thirst, and finally unconsciousness. The exhaled air smells as a result of increased fat loss by acetone.

The following late complications are to be feared:
* Vascular disease. By increased accumulation of sugars and fatty substances (atherosclerosis) in the small and large vessels leads to arterial disease. There is for example the risk of heart attack, stroke or peripheral arterial disease. A so-called diabetic foot can develop because of circulatory problems or neuropathy (see below).
* Diabetic retinopathy (retinopathy). Because of diabetic vascular disease results in a circulatory disorder of the retina. It can cause bleeding and the formation of new vessels, and finally to the restriction of vision to blindness. In addition, diabetics often suffer from cataracts and glaucoma at.
* Disorders of the nervous system (neuropathy). The nerves are less sensitive to stimuli, which may first be felt in a tingling or burning sensation in hands or feet. Injuries (eg cutting the toes) are not felt and heal poorly. It can develop unnoticed ulcers that destroy tissues and bones.
* Kidney damage caused by changes of the small vessels in the kidney to renal failure and dialysis.
* Impotence in men.

There are two main types of diabetes:
1. Type I diabetes (also known as insulin dependent diabetes or juvenile diabetes called). It depends, usually in childhood or adolescence, the destruction of the insulin-producing cells of the pancreas, until finally no insulin can be more distributed. Reason is a defensive reaction of the organism against the body. Also exists, as a rule, a genetic predisposition. If more than 80 percent of the insulin-producing cells have been destroyed, the diabetes becomes apparent. The patient must make insulin. In this case, insulin requirements must be adapted exactly to the requirements. Importantly, the amount and type of food eaten and physical activity reduces the need for insulin. Through periodic blood or Harnzuckermessungen, the exact need for insulin can be determined. More insulin is supplied as needed, so there may be Unterzuckerungszuständen (hypoglycemia) can occur. These are manifested in hunger, sweating, pallor, mild headache, tremors, heart palpitations or anxiety. With strong hypoglycaemia can lead to real mental disorders (the patient could be considered drunk). In insulin deficiency (hyperglycemia) occur, the symptoms described above.

2. Type II diabetes (formerly called adult onset diabetes). This type of diabetes is much more common than Type I diabetes. Cause is a growing body of insensitivity to insulin. Trigger is usually a permanent increase calories - and glucose intake. The organism reacts to the increased formation of insulin. For a while, the excess glucose can still cost recovered. But at some point, the insulin-producing cells are depleted; their production is no longer enough. In addition, there is a growing change in the cells where the insulin, she seems to be insensitive to the hormone and no longer respond. The vast majority of patients are overweight. Due to our increasingly unhealthy eating and living habits of the patients with type 2 diabetes are younger, are now already many children and young people affected.

A special form of diabetes is gestational diabetes (gestational diabetes). He first appears in pregnancy and usually ends with her. Up to 12 percent of all pregnant women are affected. Causes probably are hormones that are produced mainly in the second half of pregnancy. They cause an increased glucose release from the cells. This in turn stimulates the pancreas to increase insulin production. In response some of the affected pregnant women but the cells no longer sufficient to insulin, in another part of creating the pancreas does not increase production enough. In both cases, results in an excess glucose.

Risk factors for gestational diabetes are:
* Obesity
* Diabetes in the family
* Number of previous miscarriages
* A separate g birth weight of more than 4000
* A child born with already more than 4000 g birth weight

The typical symptoms of diabetes in pregnant women are rarely available, therefore, are -. Especially in high-risk patients - regular checks of blood glucose and, where appropriate, further tests required by the physician to recognize this complication early. If left untreated, threatens a sharp increase in the amniotic fluid and significantly increased growth of the baby, although its development is also delayed. Gestational diabetes is treated the first with a focused, low-fat, high fiber diet. If this conversion is not sufficient, the pregnant women are set to insulin. Blood sugar-lowering drugs in tablet form (see below) are not because of possible hazards to the child appropriate. After birth, the diabetes is usually returns almost always complete. However, the women have become ill after a significantly increased risk in the next 10 years on permanent diabetes. And the risk of gestational diabetes in another pregnancy is 50 percent. Concerned should therefore be checked regularly and after childbirth and medical advice.

What can you do?
* As a diabetic, you should strictly follow your doctor's instructions.
* Check regularly using test strips from a pharmacy in your urine or blood sugar.
* Obese people with diabetes should reduce their excess weight with a low carbohydrate diet. Often go the blood glucose levels and related symptoms after a successful diet significantly or even completely back.
* Under-or normal-weight diabetics (mostly type 1 diabetics) should eat in calories, but sugar-free as possible.
* The food should be spread over at least six small meals a day, since so the insulin can be better utilized.
* Food or drinks that are sweetened with sugar should be avoided. For sweetening, sugar substitutes (fructose, sorbitol, xylitol) or sweeteners (e.g. saccharin) are used. These are also used for the production of diabetic sweets.
* The Alcohol may occasionally dry wines or beers to drink diet. Sweet drinks and normal or non-alcoholic beer should be avoided because of the sugar content.
* Physical activity contributes to the fact that more energy is consumed. It also increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. Thanks so much movement, the need for drugs or insulin are reduced.
* In special diabetes training you can learn how to deal with the disease.
* To avoid Unterzuckerungszustände (see above), should always be a piece of bread or glucose will be available.

When you need a doctor?
* If you feel a sudden strong feeling thirsty or have other of the above complaints.
* If you are overweight and have diabetes in your family.
* If you get a sugar test, which you e.g. received in a pharmacy, is positive.
* With strong Unterzuckerungszuständen (see above).
* Diabetics should go regularly, at least once a year to the eye doctor.
* Diabetics need for poorly healing wounds (especially in the foot), seek medical attention.

What your doctor can do?
* If the control of blood sugar can find the doctor whether diabetes mellitus is present. Here the limits are in the fasted state at about 120 mg / dl plasma and about an hour after eating at 160-180 mg / dl. For values that are close to that, the doctor can perform a so-called glucose tolerance test. It measures how high blood sugar levels two hours after ingestion of 75g of sugar.
* In obese diabetic patients, the doctor recommends, first, to reduce weight by reducing the blood sugar level.
* In case of unsuccessful dieting can hypoglycemic drugs are prescribed. The so-called sulfonylureas (eg glibenclamide) increase including the release of insulin from the pancreas. Biguanides (eg metformin) improve insulin sensitivity and increase the utilization of the glucose, while inhibiting the uptake and formation of additional glucose. Acarbose delays the degradation of dietary sugar in the intestine, reducing the amount of glucose taken. Glitazone reduces insulin resistance and increases insulin sensitivity.
* Drugs do not have enough control of blood sugar available, so the patient must be treated with insulin. Type I diabetics are directly dependent on a dose of insulin.
* The doctor determined in the recruitment phase with the patient the appropriate and required insulin dosage. This is adapted to the daily conditions (food, exercise, illness, etc.) and checks usually by at least four times daily glucose monitoring. For insulin therapy is now used almost exclusively human insulin. In addition, biosynthetically produced insulin is used. A distinction is insulin, which act very quickly (such as regular insulin), and the custodian or delay insulin at medium or long duration or combinations. The latest development there is even insulin that is injected only once a day, but does all day. Insulin should be stored in the refrigerator. Small quantities for immediate use may be stored outside the refrigerator. The insulin is usually injected into the abdomen or the thigh. The dosage and application, through modern injection systems (pen), which look much like a filler to be easier. There is also the possibility of an insulin pump to your belt or carry in your pocket, set to deliver a needle into the abdominal wall at intervals insulin.
* The doctor performs a series of periodic studies of metabolism (blood, urine, etc.) and the nerves to detect any complications or a poor sugar-setting time.
* The eye doctor regularly examines the back of the eye to detect diabetic retinopathy early and treated, for example with laser. The regular measurement of intraocular pressure to detect a developing glaucoma in time belongs to the diabetic study.

* Do not leave without complaints from and lead to a blood sugar test with a doctor or a pharmacist or even run through a urine sugar test from the pharmacy. Often, just the type II diabetes is detected too late and treated.
* People with hereditary stress can prevent the onset of type II diabetes or at least delay, by:
* Maintain normal weight or overweight reduced.
* Physical exercise.
* Enjoy alcohol in moderation.
* The outbreak of a type I diabetes cannot now be prevented by appropriate prevention.

Prevention of diabetic damages (see above):
* Always ensure optimal control of blood glucose levels. Under-or hypoglycaemia avoided.
* Do not smoke as possible. Smoking aggravates all ischemic diseases.
* Healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet.
* Diabetics with nerve damage should regularly go to the care of diabetic feet or tend to their own care and protection from any type of injury by appropriate footwear.

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