Friday, December 31, 2010

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Catalonia bans bullfighting

Catalonia bans bullfighting

The Parliament has approved the People's Legislative Initiative (ILP) to ban bullfighting in Catalonia.

The proposal has come forward with 68 votes in favor, 55 against and 9 abstentions, even slightly larger margin than expected.

Thus, the proposition of the platform Proud! Has been approved by three votes of the PSC, Cuie 32, 21 and 12 ERC ICV.

Have positioned themselves against 31 members of PSC, Cuie, 7, 3 of the Joint and 14 of the Catalan PP.

A vote has only missed a Member of the 135, Cuie.

Although both the Socialists as the convergent have paddled in one direction or another as a majority, some members have left the overall dynamics.

Within the PSC, most pro-bullfighting groups, three members voted in favor of the ban (Joseph Maria Bal cells, Antonio Coming and Nutria Carreras) and three abstained (the Minister Antonio Cast ells, Joan Ferranti and Rosa Maria Ferrier).

In the converging lines, voted against the abolition of bullfights Santa Vila, Anna Miranda, Xavier Cresco, Antonio Fernandez Tuxedo Escalader Ramón, Joseph Gray and Joan Miguel Nodal. Abstained Merisel Ruiz, M.

Rosa Fortune, Austin Lopes, Irene Riga, Eduard Casadasús and Nutria de Gasport.

The rest have been in favor of the ban.

After the vote has come the shouts and applause of the abolitionists who occupied the rostrum, which in turn have been applauded by the members of ERC and ICV.

Then also have lived on the other hand, sorrow and tears of the defenders of the party, including a shot Sera fin Marin.

The celebration continued in the corridors of Parliament, where many activists’ animal associations have been held with tears, hugs and shouts of joy the historic veto.

In a historic full, full to the brim and starched with great expectation, Catalonia was launched into history.

From an hour before the vote, pro-bullfighting groups and abolitionists have staged a war banner to either side of the main entrance of the Parliament.

Decanted and the balance in favor of the anti-bullfighting, the exteriors of the Parliament have gone through the conclusion of these and the gradual abandonment of the defenders of the Fiesta, who have been leaving the area.

Members who voted for the ban have received cheers and insults from both groups of protesters.

Spokesmen for the animal associations have slowed the momentum of the celebrations to advance to expect this ban to expand to other Spanish regions.

Monday, December 27, 2010

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Gluten-free January

Are You Gluten Sensitive?

Many people are totally unaware of the fact that they react poorly to gluten. Because they've been eating wheat, barley and/or rye products every day for virtually their entire lives, they don't know what their bodies feel like without gluten. In susceptible people, eating gluten is linked to a dizzying array of health problems that stem from an immune reaction to gliadins and other proteins in gluten (1). Are you a susceptible person? How do you know?

The gold standard way to detect a gluten sensitivity is to do a gluten "challenge" after a period of avoidance and see how you feel. People who react poorly to gluten may feel better after a period of avoidance. After a gluten challenge, symptoms can range from digestive upset, to skin symptoms, to fatigue or irritability within minutes to days of the gluten challenge.

With 2011 approaching, why not make your new year's resolution to go gluten-free for a month? A man named Matt Lentzner e-mailed me this week to ask if I would help with his (non-commercial) project, "A Gluten-free January". I said I'd be delighted. Although I don't typically eat much gluten, this January I'm going 100% gluten-free. Are you on board? Read on.

A Message from Matt Lentzner

Hi There.

My name is Matt Lentzner. I'm just some guy who lifts weights on his patio and tries to eat healthy. That's not important, but I have an idea that just might be.

I am trying to get as many people as possible to go gluten-free for one month - this January 2011.

I've considered this whole ancestral diet thing and I've come to a conclusion. If you could only do just one thing to improve your health then not eating gluten would be it. This is not to say that avoiding other nasty things like fructose or industrial vegetable oil is not important. They are, but you'd get the most bang for your buck from not eating gluten.

"Eat No Gluten" is simple and easy to remember. I think that sometimes the rules get so complicated and overwhelming and people just give up on it. We're keeping it simple here. Even at this simplified level I see that it's difficult for a lot of folks. I think people, Americans especially, tend not to pay much attention to what they're eating - what it is, where it came from, etc.

Getting people to get out of their eating ruts and think a little about what goes into their mouths is a valuable exercise. It sets the stage for better choices in the future. I hope that some success with the simple step will encourage people to further improve their diets.

I have a website at If you want to sign up just send an email with your first name, last initial, and town of residence to If you are on Facebook there's a community you can 'Like' called: Gluten Free January. So far I have over 120 people all over the world signed up. If you are already gluten-free then I still want you to sign up - the more the merrier. You can also use this opportunity to spread the word and sign up your family and friends.

Merry Christmas - Looking forward to a gluten-free New Year.


How to keep well

My remedy for keeping well. Is quite simple. For breakfast I have a Weetabix with two oranges. This I hope will help my digestion. Then its time for my natural supplement cocktail. I will take 1000mg of vitamin C this will boost my immune system, protect against heart disease, and cancers.

Omega 3 fish oil is another favorite supplement. I will take 2000mg of this, which is 600mg of active EPA/DHA. Omega 3 supports a healthy heart and brain function. It is said that fish oil can improve your mood. Next I take 1000mg of fresh odourless garlic this helps to maintain healthy cholesterol levels and again supports heart health.It also helps to control blood pressure It may also protect the immune system. I regard Vitamin B3, (Niacin) as important. I take 100mg per day, and this helps to control my cholesterol levels. It also releases energy from food.

Finally I will take 75mg of a coated asprin, helping to thin my blood, and it is said to protect against bowel cancer

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Dr Young's Organic Omega 3, 6, and 9 Essential Oil Blend

The Omega 3, 6 and 9 groups of fatty acids all contain essential fatty acids necessary for good health. The difference between them lies in the position of the first double bond from the methyl end or the Omega end of the carbon chain. As its name implies, the Omega 3 fatty acids have their first double bond at the 3rd position from the end of the chain, and likewise with the other two. Omega 6 has its first double bond at the 6th position from the end and Omega 9 has it at the 9th position from the end of the chain.

The following table represents the main fatty acids found in Omega 3, 6 and 9 Essential Oil Blend:

The main components of Omega 3, 6, 9 Essential Oil Blend by pH Miracle Organic:

Omega 3

alpha-linolenic acid ALA Linolenic acid LA Oleic acid OA

Omega 6

eicosapentaenoic acid EPA Gamma-linolenic acid GLA
docosahexaenoic acid DHA Dihomogamma linolenic acid DLA

Omega 9

Arachidonic acid AA

The Most Important Omega 3 Oils

The most important 2 fatty acids in the Omega 3 family are EPA and DHA as these are in limited supply and found in real quantities of hemp oil. Although DHA is important for pregnant and nursing mothers and for young children for healthy development of the brain and vision, EPA can be considered the most important for everyone else as it is necessary for the efficient functioning of the brain and the body at a cellular level.
The Omega 3's have anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties as well as many other important health benefits. They reduce inflammation and can provide protection against cardiovascular disease, arthritis, skin conditions, depression and other mood-related disorders.

Omega 6

Although Omega 6 is wrongfully classed as pro-inflammatory, paradoxically, GLA, when sourced dietetically, has anti-inflammatory properties. It can help the bloating and pain associated with PMS. It also maintains healthy skin, hair and nails and generally helps to bring about hormonal and emotional balance.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 interact with each other so the balance between them is crucial for good health at a 2 to 1 ratio. Together they affect the production of hormonal type messengers called eicosanoids, which has an impact on inflammation in the body and all functions at a cellular level.

Omega 9

Omega 9 also has many preventative qualities as its main component, Oleic acid, helps to reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Borage oil contains both Omega 6 and Omega 9 in the form of Gamma-linolenic acid and Oleic acid and is in fact, one of the best sources of GLA.

Pure EPA therefore contains a blend of all 3 of the important fatty acids EPA, GLA and OA making it an excellent choice of omega 3 6 9 supplement.

Benefits of Omega Dr Young’s 3 6 9 Essential Oil Blend

Omega fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats. They are healthier than saturated fats and have many metabolic functions. There are many benefits of omega 3 6 9 supplementation.

Omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are essential fatty acids (EFA’s). Our bodies cannot manufacture them, and we must consume them in our diets. Omega 9 fatty acids are not essential. Our bodies need omega 9 fats, but we can manufacture them from other sources.

Omega 3 fatty acids prevent heart disease and the complications of heart attack. People who take omega 3 fatty acids have a lower mortality rate after heart attack than those who do not.

Omega 3 EFA’s improve cardiac risk factors, and help prevent CHD. They normalize lipid levels, lower blood pressure and improve glucose metabolism.

Omega 3’s may be helpful in a number of other conditions, to. Rheumatoid arthritis, depression, autism, and many other conditions may be improved by taking omega 3 EFA’s. They are necessary for growth and development, especially in the development of nervous tissue, and may improve cognitive function and emotional health.

Omega 6 fatty acids compete for enzymes with omega 3 EFA’s, so the amounts of the two need to be properly balanced. Less research has been done on omega 6 EFA’s than on omega 3’s. Most omega 6 fatty acids produce an inflammatory response that may be necessary for healthy immune system function. Research is beginning to indicate that one omega 6 EFA is, however, a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and may be even more important for healthy hearts than omega 3 oils.

Omega 9, as mentioned, is not an essential fatty acid. Omega 9 oils are monounsaturated, and are found in olive oil. Olive oil is known to have beneficial health effects, and omega 9 oils may be necessary for healthy immune system functioning.

The benefits of omega 3 6 9 include all of the benefits of all three types of fatty oils. The amounts and ratios of each fatty acid are balanced to optimal levels of each. Taking an omega 3 6 9 supplement is a good way to ensure that you are getting essential nutrients for your good health.

The pH Miracle Organic Omega 3, 6, and 9 Essential Oil Blend is a fantastic balance of omega oils with an ideal ratio of 2 to 1 to 1!

Scientists have identified seven emotions, which shortens the life

American doctors have called emotional states that can harm the body Cynicism

Cynics, who tend to suspect everyone and to be distrustful of others, more inclined to develop heart disease - says the scientist Stephen Boyle. The study, which involved more than 300 Vietnam veterans, Boyle found that the 25% that scored high scores on hostility, also showed a greater tendency to develop heart disease.

Boyle and his colleagues believe that hostile people are experiencing tremendous strain that might cause a race-level protein C3 in the immune system, and it can be fraught with various diseases, including diabetes. This is reported more.

Lack of meaning in life

Study involving more than 1200 elderly volunteers who had no mental health problems in the beginning of the study showed that the ranks of those people who in life was an important goal for five years, studies have thinned to a lesser extent than the group without a dream. The results were published in June in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

"People with high-end easy to find meaning in life experiences, and often participate in different activities, which they consider important," - says researcher Patricia Boyle of the Center for Alzheimer's Disease in Chicago. Some other studies have also pointed out that people who have a goal, go for faster recovering after heart disease and have a good immune system.


Very nervous people who are constantly worried, worry, and prone to depression, such sentiments shorten his life. A recently published study, which involved nearly 1800 men for 30 years, shows that part of the reason for such statistics is also the fact that neurotics are more prone to smoking. Maybe a cigarette and reduces anxiety, says scientist Daniel Mroczek of Purdue University in Indiana, but it is hardly a short-term effect is worth it.

The lack of self-

Survey of more than 20 studies and nearly 9000 participants showed that people who are honest and more or less organized, live for 2-4 years longer overly impulsive. Howard S. Friedman, a scientist at the University of California suggests that such people are simply less likely to smoke or drink, and rarely are exposed to stress. The study is described in detail in the journal Health Psychology in 2008.


Studies show that stress could affect the robot to your brain. Compared with anxious persons, people with mild behavior are less likely to madness. Claim based on a study which involved 500 people aged over five years. Among the participants of the risk of dementia was 50 percent lower in the cool people than those who were prone to breakdown.

Gloom and doom

Gloom suppresses human rights not only socially but physically. Preliminary study of more than 180 patients suffering from peripheral artery disease (accumulation of plaques in the arteries), showed that participants in the so-called type D (distressed personality), had an increased tendency to early death.

People like D more likely to experience negative emotions and at the same time holding back their feelings. The researchers, who described his work in the August issue of Archives of Surgery, argue that the type of person associated with the body's immune system, as well as systemic reactions to stress.


Study involving 700 Israeli workers showed that those who experienced professional "burnout" were almost twice as much at risk of developing diabetes type II, in which the human body becomes insensitive to insulin. While promotion might increase your revenues, it is at the same time, can affect mental health.

British researchers recently found that when people get a boost, they suffer from mental disorders on average 10 percent more and are less likely to find time for timely preventive visits.

Drinking tea promotes healthy sleep - researchers

Drinking tea during the day - a good preventive maintenance nightmares. This conclusion was made by Japanese scientists

In the course of research specialists Nihon University School of Medicine found that those who drink a day for more than one cup of tea, 50% reduced risk of unpleasant dreams, compared with those who hardly uses the drink.

Say exactly why this happens, scientists can not. However, they believe that the provisions in the case of active chemicals, particularly amino acid tannin, relieve stress and soothe negative brain electrical activity, AMI-TASS reports.

Simultaneously, Japanese doctors found that women at higher risk of 80% of nightmares than men. Explanation for this yet either, though experts note that women have more fine structure of the psyche.

People in a coma able to learn, - scientists

It turned out that people who are in a coma, despite the lack of means to give signals about its condition, can learn. This suggests that they are at least partially retain consciousness

Scientists first tested the ability of patients in a vegetative state and minimal consciousness, to learn. Convinced that such patients have the ability, the scientists intend to propose this simple test for use by practitioners. This saves doctors from having to assess the state of consciousness with the help of magnetic resonance imaging, reported MedicInform.Net

Using the classical conditioned reflex, the researchers lost a certain sound just before a blow to the patient in the eye. After some time, patients began zazhmurivat eyes, as only heard this sound.

Such learning requires conscious build links between stimuli - playing sound and the subsequent events. A similar study with a control group of volunteers in the state of anesthesia, did not happen.

The researchers believe that patients' ability to capture the connection between the events, said that they can form memories, and therefore can be subjected to rehabilitation. This test can be useful, since it is a very simple way to assess the patient's consciousness, which does not require special equipment.

In addition, the findings suggest that these patients have a chance for partial recovery, summed up the experts.

WHO predicts shortage of vaccines against influenza A/H1N1

WHO predicts that the annual volume produced vaccines against influenza A/H1N1 will be approximately 3 billion doses, and this amount is not sufficient to protect the world's population

It is said in a statement today by WHO, according to RIA Novosti.

Projected level of medication is likely to be insufficient to provide "the world's population, which accounts for 6.8 billion people at a time when in reality each is subject to the risk of infection to new, rapidly spreading virus," the statement said.

Earlier, experts from the organization believed that in 2010 will be produced 4.9 billion doses, but last week a representative of WHO said that in fact the number of doses produced will be much less.

Specialists have repeatedly expressed concerns that not all countries are able to provide its citizens with vaccines of new type of flu.

According to WHO, 85 out of 193 members of the organizations reported that they had no opportunity to obtain such drugs.

However, the U.S., Australia, Brazil, Britain, France, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and previously announced their intention to share with those less well off medication to combat new flu within the next 6-8 months.

At the same time, clinical trials conducted by WHO, show that even one dose of medication will be sufficient to protect against the influenza A/H1N1 «healthy adults and older children."

Recall the number of cases of influenza A/H1N1 in the world has exceeded 308,000, and the number of deaths from him close to 4.2 thousand cases.

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A vaccine that reduces the risk of HIV infection

In Thailand, scientists presented the vaccine, reducing the risk of infection with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

As stated by Thai doctors and representatives of the U.S. Armed Forces during today's Bangkok news conference, the first experimental vaccine against the virus proved to be effective - RBC, citing the Associated Press.

According to doctors, the drug reduces the risk of HIV infection by more than 31%. The research results were announced after the vaccine tested on 16 thousand volunteers in Thailand.

Recall that some 75% of all HIV-positive people worldwide live in Africa and the Caribbean. To combat the virus spends a lot of money. For example, the U.S. is going up in 2014 to allocate up to 48 billion dollars to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria globally.

According to the Ministry of Family, Youth and Sports, registered in Ukraine more than 150 thousand HIV-infected, of whom 15% - children.

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Monday, December 20, 2010

Dairy Fat and Diabetes


Having access to embargoed news from the Annals of Internal Medicine is really fun. I get to report on important studies at the same time as the news media. But this week, I got my hands on a study that I'm not sure will be widely reported (Mozaffarian et al. Trans-palmitoleic Acid, Metabolic Risk Factors, and New-Onset Diabetes in US Adults. Ann Internal Med. 2010). Why? Because it suggests that dairy fat may protect against diabetes.

The lead author is Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian, whose meta-analysis of diet-heart controlled trials I recently criticized (1). I think this is a good opportunity for me to acknowledge that Dr. Mozaffarian and his colleagues have published some brave papers in the past that challenged conventional wisdom. For example, in a 2005 study, they found that postmenopausal women who ate the most saturated fat had the slowest rate of narrowing of their coronary arteries over time (2). It wasn't a popular finding but he has defended it. His colleague Dr. Walter Willett thinks dietary fat is fine (although he favors corn oil), whole eggs can be part of a healthy diet, and there are worse things than eating coconut from time to time. Dr. Willett is also a strong advocate of unrefined foods and home cooking, which I believe are two of the main pillars of healthy eating.

Let's hit the data

Investigators collected two measures of dairy fat intake in 3,736 Americans:
  1. 24 hour dietary recall questionnaires, six times. This records volunteers' food intake at the beginning of the study.
  2. Blood (plasma phospholipid) content of trans-palmitoleate. Dairy fat and red meat fat are virtually the only sources of this fatty acid, so it reflects the intake of these foods. Most of the trans-palmitoleate came from dairy in this study, although red meat was also a significant source.
After adjustment for confounding factors, trans-palmitoleate levels were associated with a smaller waist circumference, higher HDL cholesterol, lower serum triglycerides, lower C-reactive protein, lower fasting insulin and lower calculated insulin resistance. Furthermore, people with the highest trans-palmitoleate levels had 1/3 the risk of developing diabetes over the three years volunteers were followed. Keep in mind, however, that this is an observational study and does not prove that dairy fat prevents diabetes.

Even though certain blood fatty acids partially represent food intake, they can also represent metabolic conditions. For example, people on their way to type II diabetes tend to have more saturated blood lipids, independent of diet (3, 4)*. So it's reassuring to see that dietary trans-palmitoleate intake was closely related to the serum level. The investigators also noted that "greater whole-fat dairy consumption was associated with lower risk for diabetes," which increases my confidence that serum trans-palmitoleate is actually measuring dairy fat intake to some degree. However, in the end, I think the striking association they observed was partially due to dairy fat intake, but mostly due to metabolic factors that had nothing to do with dairy fat**.

Here's a nice quote:
Our findings support potential metabolic benefits of dairy consumption and suggest that trans-palmitoleate may mediate these effects***. They also suggest that efforts to promote exclusive consumption of low-fat and nonfat dairy products, which would lower population exposure to trans-palmitoleate, may be premature until the mediators of the health effects of dairy consumption are better established.
Never thought I'd see the day! Not bad, but I can do better:
Our findings support eating as much butter as possible****. Don't waste your money on low-fat cream, either (half-n-half). We're sorry that public health authorities have spent 30 years telling you to eat low-fat dairy when most studies are actually more consistent with the idea that dairy fat reduces the risk obesity and chronic disease.
What are these studies suggesting that dairy fat may be protective, you ask? That will be the topic of another post, my friends.

*Probably due to uncontrolled de novo lipogenesis because of insulin resistance. Many studies find that serum saturated fatty acids are higher in those with metabolic dysfunction, independent of diet. They sometimes interpret that as showing that people are lying about their diet, rather than that serum saturated fatty acids don't reflect diet very well. For example, in one study I cited, investigators found no relationship between dietary saturated fat and diabetes risk, but they did find a relationship between serum saturated fatty acids and diabetes risk (5). They then proceeded to refer to the serum measurements as "objective measurements" that can tease apart "important associations with diabetes incidence that may be missed when assessed by [food questionnaires]." They go on to say that serum fatty acids are "useful as biomarkers for fatty acid intake," which is true for some fatty acids but not remotely for most of the saturated ones, according to their own study. Basically, they try to insinuate that dietary saturated fat is the culprit, and the only reason they couldn't measure that association directly is that people who went on to develop diabetes inaccurately reported their diets! A more likely explanation is that elevated serum saturated fatty acids are simply a marker of insulin resistance (and thus uncontrolled de novo lipogenesis), and had nothing to do with diet.

**Why do I say that? Because mathematically adjusting for dairy and meat fat intake did not substantially weaken the association between phospholipid trans-palmitoleate and reduced diabetes risk (Table 4). In other words, if you believe their math, dairy/meat fat intake only accounted for a small part of the protective association. That implies that healthy people maintain a higher serum phospholipid trans-palmitoleate level than unhealthy people, even if both groups eat the same amount of trans-palmitoleate. If they hadn't mentioned that full-fat dairy fat intake was directly associated with a lower risk of diabetes, I would not find the study very interesting because I'd have my doubts that it was relevant to diet.

***I find it highly doubtful that trans-palmitoleate entirely mediates the positive health outcomes associated with dairy fat intake. I think it's more likely to simply be a marker of milk fat, which contains a number of potentially protective substances such as CLA, vitamin K2, butyric acid, and the natural trans fats including trans-palmitoleate. In addition, dairy fat is low in omega-6 polyunsaturated fat. I find it unlikely that their fancy math was able to tease those factors apart, because those substances all travel together in dairy fat. trans-palmitoleate pills are not going to replace butter.

****That's a joke. I think butter can be part of healthy diet, but that doesn't mean gorging on it is a good idea. This study does not prove that dairy fat prevents diabetes, it simply suggests that it may.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Potato Diet Interpretation

If you read my post on December 16th, you know that Chris Voigt saw remarkable fat loss and improvements in health markers as a result of two months of eating almost nothing but potatoes. This has left many people scratching their heads, because potatoes are not generally viewed as a healthy food. This is partially due to the fact that potatoes are very rich in carbohydrate, which also happens to be a quickly digested type, resulting in a high glycemic index. The glycemic index refers to the degree to which a particular food increases blood glucose when it's eaten, and I've questioned the relevance of this concept to health outcomes in the past (1, 2, 3). I think Mr. Voigt's results once again argue against the importance of the glycemic index as a diet-health concept.

It's often pointed out that potatoes are low in vitamins and minerals compared to vegetables on a per-calorie basis, but I think it's a misleading comparison because potatoes are much more calorie-dense than most vegetables. Potatoes compare favorably to other starchy staples such as bread, rice and taro.

Over the course of two months, Mr. Voigt lost 21 pounds. No one knows exactly how much of that weight came out of fat and how much out of lean mass, but the fact that he reported a decrease in waist and neck circumference indicates that most of it probably came out of fat. Previous long-term potato feeding experiments have indicated that it's possible to maintain an athletic muscle mass on the amount of protein in whole potatoes alone (4). So yes, Mr. Voigt lost fat on a very high-carbohydrate diet (75-80% carbohydrate, up to 440g per day).

On to the most interesting question: why did he lose fat? Losing fat requires that energy leaving the body exceed energy entering the body. But as Gary Taubes would say, that's obvious but it doesn't get us anywhere. In the first three weeks of his diet, Mr. Voigt estimates that he was only eating 1,600 calories per day. Aha! That's why he lost weight! Well, yes. But let's look into this more deeply. Mr. Voigt was not deliberately restricting his calorie intake at all, and he did not intend this as a weight loss diet. In my interview, I asked him if he was hungry during the diet. He said that he was not hungry, and that he ate to appetite during this period, realizing only after three weeks that he was not eating nearly enough calories to maintain his weight*. I also asked him how his energy level was, and he said repeatedly that it was very good, perhaps even better than usual. Those were not idle questions.

Calorie restriction causes a predictable physiological response in humans that includes hunger and decreased energy. It's the starvation response, and it's powerful in both lean and overweight people, as anyone knows who has tried to lose fat by decreasing calorie intake alone. The fact that he didn't experience hunger or fatigue implies that his body did not think it was starving. Why would that be?

I believe Mr. Voigt's diet lowered his fat mass 'setpoint'. In other words, for whatever reason, the diet made his body 'want' to be leaner that it already was. His body began releasing stored fat that it considered excess, and therefore he had to eat less food to complete his energy needs. You see this same phenomenon very clearly in rodent feeding studies. Changes in diet composition/quality can cause dramatic shifts in the fat mass setpoint (5, 6). Mr. Voigt's appetite would eventually have returned to normal once he had stabilized at a lower body fat mass, just as rodents do.

Rodent studies have made it clear that diet composition has a massive effect on the level of fat mass that the body will 'defend' against changes in calorie intake (5, 6). Human studies have shown similar effects from changes in diet composition/quality. For example, in controlled diet trials, low-carbohydrate dieters spontaneously reduce their calorie intake quite significantly and lose body fat, without being asked to restrict calories (7). In Dr. Staffan Lindeberg's Paleolithic diet trials, participants lost a remarkable amount of fat, yet a recent publication from his group shows that the satiety (fullness) level of the Paleolithic group was not different from a non-Paleolithic comparison group despite a considerably lower calorie intake over 12 weeks (8, 9). I'll discuss this important new paper soon. Together, this suggests that diet composition/quality can have a dominant impact on the fat mass setpoint.

One possibility is that cutting the wheat, sugar, most vegetable oil and other processed food out of Mr. Voigt's diet was responsible for the fat loss. I think that's likely to have contributed. Many people find, for example, that they lose fat simply by eliminating wheat from their diet.

Another possibility that I've been exploring recently is that changes in palatability (pleasantness of flavor) influence the fat mass setpoint. There is evidence in rodents that it does, although it's not entirely consistent. For example, rats will become massively obese if you provide them with chocolate flavored Ensure (a meal replacement drink), but not with vanilla or strawberry Ensure (10). They will defend their elevated fat mass against calorie restriction (i.e. they show a physiological starvation response when you try to bring them down to a lower weight by feeding them less chocolate Ensure) while they're eating chocolate Ensure, but as soon as you put them back on unpurified rodent pellets, they will lose fat and defend the lower fat mass. Giving them food in liquid or paste form often causes obesity, while the same food in solid pellet form will not. Eating nothing but potatoes is obviously a diet with a low overall palatability.

So I think that both a change in diet composition/quality and a decrease in palatability probably contributed to a decrease in Mr. Voigt's fat mass setpoint, which allowed him to lose fat mass without triggering a starvation response (hunger, fatigue).

The rest of his improvements in health markers were partially due to the fat loss, including his decreased fasting glucose, decreased triglycerides, and presumably increased insulin sensitivity. They may also have been partially due to a lack of industrial food and increased intake of certain micronutrients such as magnesium.

One of the most striking changes was in his calculated LDL cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol), which decreased by 41%, putting him in a range that's more typical of healthy non-industrial cultures including hunter-gatherers. Yet hunter-gatherers didn't eat nothing but potatoes, often didn't eat much starch, and in some cases had a high intake of fat and saturated fat, so what gives? It's possible that a reduced saturated fat intake had an impact on his LDL, given the relatively short timescale of the diet. But I think there's something mysterious about this setpoint mechanism that has a much broader impact on metabolism than is generally appreciated. For example, calorie restriction in humans has a massive impact on LDL, much larger than the impact of saturated fat (11). And in any case, the latter appears to be a short-term phenomenon (12). It's just beginning to be appreciated that energy balance control systems in the brain influence cholesterol metabolism.

Mr. Voigt's digestion appeared to be just fine on his potato diet, even though he generally ate the skins. This makes me even more skeptical of the idea that potato glycoalkaloids in common potato varieties are a health concern, especially if you were to eliminate most of the glycoalkaloids by peeling.

I asked Mr. Voigt about what foods he was craving during the diet to get an idea of whether he was experiencing any major deficiencies. The fact that Mr. Voigt did not mention craving meat or other high-protein foods reinforces the fact that potatoes are a reasonable source of complete protein. The only thing he craved was crunchy/juicy food, which I'm not sure how to interpret.

He also stopped snoring during the diet, and began again immediately upon resuming his normal diet, perhaps indicating that his potato diet reduced airway inflammation. This could be due to avoiding food allergies and irritants (wheat anyone?) and also fat loss.

Overall, a very informative experiment! Enjoy your potatoes.

*Until the last 5.5 weeks, when he deliberately stuffed himself beyond his appetite because his rapid weight loss worried him. Yet, even with deliberate overfeeding up to his estimated calorie requirement of 2,200 calories per day, he continued to lose weight. He probably was not quite reaching his calorie goal, or his requirement is higher than he thought.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Trouble With RSS Feed?

I've received several comments that my blog posts are no longer showing up in peoples' RSS feeds. I've gone into my settings, and the blog is still set to full feed mode, so I don't know why that would be. I'm trying to understand if the problem is widespread or only affects a few people. Please let me know in the comments section if new posts (since the potatoes and human health series) are not showing up in your reader. Also, please let me know if new posts are showing up. Thanks!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Smoking, blood pressure and cholesterol rob men 10 years of life - study

Middle-aged male smokers with high blood pressure and high cholesterol content, live 10 years less healthy peers

This conclusion was staff at Oxford University (UK), examined the results of observations over 19 thousands of civil servants. The experiment began in the years 1967-1970, when subjects were in 40-69 years, and ended after 38 years.

At the beginning of the study, all participants were measured height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels, as well as tested in lung function.

In addition, subjects completed questionnaires that reported their medical history, smoking habits, type of employment and marital status. Of all participants 42% were smokers, 39% had high blood pressure, while 51% found a high content of cholesterol in the blood,

By 2005, nearly 40 years, died on 13,501 guinea. Men who at baseline smoked, suffered from hypertension and had high cholesterol, lived an average of 74 years, while average life expectancy of healthy participants reached 83 years.

According to scientists, the period life expectancy for men declined due to the fact that three of the above risk factors contributed to the development of cardiovascular system. Thus, if the 50-year-old man refuses to cigarettes and take steps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, he has every chance to live almost 10 years longer.

In Japan, developed a wheel-chair-bed

Japanese company Panasonic has developed a robotic bed for the disabled and elderly people are able to transform into a wheelchair

As the report says the company-developer, the device is designed to help people with disabilities to lead independent lives.

Invalid "chair bed", called Robotic Bed, will be presented at an exhibition of equipment for rehabilitation and care, to be held in Tokyo from September 29 to October 1.

Robotic Bed yet is only a prototype. The company expects to begin selling it no earlier than 2015. Approximate price of a new device has not been determined, reports

Recently, Japan, whose population is aging rapidly, is actively developing technology for people with disabilities. For example, recently announced the Japanese "invalid quad, and for robotic nurses have begun to develop safety standards.

The oldest person in the world eats little, spoke little and never lies

The oldest person on the planet found a Buddhist monk, who yesterday celebrated 115 years

According to the monk, who was born in the 19 century, to survive a stormy 20 century it helped that he eats little, spoke little and yet never lies.

During the meal, the monk drank no more than nine drinks and food does not add any pepper or salt. True, he can not refuse dessert of sweet rice, reports Ekho Moskvy.

Among women, most elderly in the world is Japanese Kama Tienen, which 114 years.

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Poor people eat more sweet

The poorer the person, the more it consumes sweet, found U.S. scientists

That is the conclusion the researchers came, having received information about nutrition for more than 30,000 Americans, reports

"The average American more than the daily norm of sugar by 15%, and if its financial situation leaves much to be desired, sugar consumption exceeds the norm in a few times" - the researchers say.

According to them, with sweet poor people "jammed" stress.

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Breast reduction surgery has become popular among British men

Breast reduction surgery have become very popular among British men

In 2008, the number of transactions increased by 44% compared with 2007, making them fifth in popularity of plastic surgery for men, reports the BBC.

According to the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, last year more than a thousand men of all ages have reduced his chest, which is 10 times more than five years ago.

The growing popularity of this operation among the British, over a quarter of whom are obese, doctors attributed the increased attention of men in their appearance, an abundance of information about breast reduction on the internet, as well as overcoming the complexes on the operation, which has always been considered "feminine." It is reported Medportal.Ru.

As a result, surgical breast reduction ranked fifth in popularity among men carried out plastic surgery, displacing from that position facelift. The first four places are the correction of nose, Eyelid Surgery, Ear surgery and liposuction.

Currently, breast reduction surgery in the UK costs about 2 thousand pounds.

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Transplantation of a tooth in eye to restore vision blind American woman

American surgeons have restored a woman with an artificial eye lens, mounted on transplanted into the eye tooth

Sherron Thornton from Mississippi, who is now 60 years old, blind in 2000 due to the development of Stevens-Johnson syndrome (a severe allergic reaction that causes the death of epithelial cells of the skin and mucous membranes).

After an illness of the cornea (one of the eye membranes) women became opaque. As a rule, opaque cornea substitute donor or artificial, but the organism is susceptible to severe allergic reactions people usually rejects the transplanted tissue. This is reported MedNovosti.

For such patients in Italy developed a method to transplant the eye's own tooth, which serves as support for the plastic lens. Operation by Thornton by this method in the clinic of the University of Miami, became the first in the U.S..

First, the surgeon Victor Perez to the assistant removed the upper canine woman with a fragment of bone surrounding the root, and drilled it, and put the resulting hole in the plastic lens. Then the construction of two months the patient was placed under the skin to prirosshey to tooth tissue of the skin served as a connecting element between it and the eye. Then, with a fragment of canine skin transplanted to the center of the eye, restoring its optical system.

15 days after complete healing of postoperative wounds and the removal of the fixing eye vision devices Thornton rebounded so much that she could read.

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In Japan, a unique antiseptic that destroys viruses

Japanese researchers from Hiroshima have created a unique chemical substance which after application to the furniture or clothing, destroys all fall on them germs and viruses

According to Japanese media, this antiseptic high expectations in improving the response to the spread of diseases, including influenza A/H1N1.

As reported, in the disinfectant include ammonium salts, which are diluted with water or ethanol, that is, a simple alcohol. Experiments have shown that the particles antiseptic firmly fixed on the surface and continue to act within six months.

All similar tools used in the world today, after drying lose antibacterial effect.
The creator of the chemical, Professor Hiroki Nikava said that the sale of new means of disinfection be available before the end of the year.

"In schools, a large-scale decontamination, but this does not prevent the spread of novel influenza. I believe that now we can solve this problem, "- said the scientist.

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Interview with Chris Voigt of 20 Potatoes a Day


Chris Voigt is the executive director of the Washington State Potato Commission, which supports and promotes the Washington state potato industry (1). On October 1st, Mr. Voigt began a two month, potato-only diet to raise awareness about the health properties of potatoes. It was partially in response to the recent decision by the federal WIC (Women, Infants and Children) low-income assistance program to remove potatoes from the list of vegetables it will pay for. Mr. Voigt's potato diet has been a media sensation, leading to widespread coverage in several countries. He maintains a website and blog called 20 Potatoes a Day.

Diet Facts

For 60 days, Mr Voigt's diet consisted of nothing but potatoes and a small amount of cooking oil (canola and olive), with no added nutritional supplements. Based on what he has told me, I estimate that 10-15% of his calories came from fat, 10% from protein and 75-80% from high-glycemic carbohydrate. His calorie intake ranged from 1,600 kcal (first 3 weeks) to 2,200 kcal (remaining 5.5 weeks) per day. Prior to the diet, he estimated that his calorie requirement was 2,200 kcal, so he attempted to stay as close to that as possible.

Health Markers

Mr. Voigt has posted the results of physical examinations, including bloodwork, from the beginning, middle and end of the diet. The change he experienced during that time is nothing short of remarkable. He shed 21 pounds, his fasting glucose decreased by 10 mg/dL (104 to 94 mg/dL), his serum triglycerides dropped by nearly 50%, his HDL cholesterol increased slightly, and his calculated LDL cholesterol dropped by a stunning 41% (142 to 84 mg/dL). The changes in his HDL, triglycerides and fasting glucose are consistent with improved insulin sensitivity (2, 3), and are not consistent with a shift of LDL particle size to the dangerous "small, dense" variety (4).

What was your diet like prior to the potato diet?
My best estimate is that it was probably a little better than the average US citizen only because of a high rate of produce consumption. I generally would eat about 10 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. But I ate everything else too. I would eat a wide range of food, a little bit of everything, including foods that aren’t considered “healthy”.
You essentially ate nothing but potatoes, fat and flavorings for two months. Can you give us an idea of how much fat you were eating? What kind of fat was it?
I averaged about 2 tablespoons of cooking oil a day over the span of the 60 days. Canola oil was used for frying and olive oil was used for roasting.

How was your digestion?
Potatoes are pretty easy on the digestive system. I actually got a lot of emails from people who suffer from severe digestive disorders and literally, potatoes are the only thing they can eat. My 60 days of potatoes was nothing compared to some folks with these digestive disorders. I was getting a lot of fiber so things were pretty regular, but not too regular :)

You lost 21 pounds during your two months of eating only potatoes. Do you have a sense of whether it came out of fat, muscle or both? For example, did your pants become looser?
Pants definitely became looser. I also noticed it in my neck size for shirts. I’m assuming most all of it was due to fat loss.

Do you think you were able to meet your calorie goal of 2,200 calories per day? Were you hungry during the diet?
I was not meeting the goal of 2,200 calories a day during the first 3 weeks of the diet. During the first three weeks of the diet I only ate until I was full. I didn’t realize that potatoes would give me such a high sense of fullness after each meal. So for those first 3 weeks, I was only consuming about 1,600 calories a day. After the third week I had lost 12 pounds and realized that I needed to change strategy. I then began to eat more potatoes despite the sense of fullness I was experiencing. So for the remaining 5 ½ weeks I was very diligent about eating the 2,200 calories. I continued to lose weight but at a slower place. I lost an additional 9 pounds over the course of those remaining 5 1/2 weeks. At the start of my diet I estimated, via a couple different on line calorie calculators, that I burn about 2,200 calories a day. Since I continued to lose weight, I’m assuming I actually burn closer to 2,800 calories a day. Something that may have also played a role in continued weight loss was the amount of resistant starch I was getting from potatoes. I ate a lot of cooked potatoes that had been refrigerated. These are generally higher in resistant starch. If I were to do the diet again, I would like to set up an experiment to gauge the effect of resistant starch.
What foods did you crave the most?
I craved mostly foods that had a “juicy crunch”, like an apple, or cucumbers, or carrots, or celery. I never acquired a taste for raw potatoes so virtually all the potatoes I consumed were cooked. No matter how you cook your potatoes, you always get that same soft cooked texture. I craved foods with a crisper texture.
How was your energy level?
My energy level was very good the entire time of the diet. I really didn’t notice a change in energy at the start of the diet so I assumed that the potato diet didn’t have a positive or negative effect on my energy level. It wasn’t until I finished the diet and started to consume other foods that I noticed my energy level has seemed to drop a bit.

How did you feel overall? Were there any unexpected effects of the diet?
I felt really good on the diet. I had lots of energy, slept good at night, and seemed to avoid the cold viruses that circulated at home and work.

The only unusual thing that occurred is what my wife told me. I’m a habitual snorer. The day I started eating only potatoes, my snoring stopped. It restarted the day I started to include other foods in my diet. I’m assuming it was just some weird coincidence but that’s what she tells me.

My doctor and I expected my cholesterol to drop but not at the level we saw. I’ve had borderline high cholesterol for the past decade. I started the diet at 214 and saw it drop to 147 at the end of 60 days. We anticipated a drop of maybe 10-25 points. It was a huge surprise to see a 67 point drop.
Your fasting glucose went from 104 mg/dL, which I consider high, to 94 mg/dL, which is on the high side for someone eating a high-carbohydrate diet, but within the clinically normal range. Do you have a family history of diabetes?
No history of diabetes. My parents are in their early eighties and their parents lived to their 70’s and 80’s with no history of type one or two diabetes.

Reading your blog posts, it seemed like you were having a hard time with the diet at first, but after a while you complained less and even seemed to enjoy it at times. Did you get used to it?
I would say that week 2 and 3 were probably the hardest. The first week was easy probably because of the novelty of the diet. Then reality set in for week 2 and 3. After that, I found my groove and it got easier. During the work week was easy but weekends, particularly Sunday’s, were the hardest. During the work week I did most of my eating at my desk so I wasn’t around a lot of other people eating or surrounded by other foods. Weekends were more difficult because I was around other people every meal and always had other foods in front of me at home.
What kinds of potatoes did you eat?
I literally ate every kind of potato I could get my hands on. I ate yellow skin/yellow flesh potatoes, red skin/white flesh, red skin/red flesh, purple skin/white flesh, purple skin/purple flesh, russet potatoes with white flesh, russet potatoes with yellow flesh, white potatoes, yellow potatoes with white flesh, purple fingerlings, yellow fingerlings, red fingerlings and numerous experimental varieties.
Did you peel them or eat the skin?
I ate the skin at least 90% of the time if not more. There is a myth that all the nutrition in a potato is in the skin or right under the skin. That’s not true, there are nutrients spread throughout the potato but most of the fiber is located in the skin.
What variety of potato is your favorite?
It really depended on the cooking method. For frying, I preferred russet potatoes. For baking, I preferred red potatoes. For mashed, I preferred yellow potatoes. For roasting, a toss-up between russets and reds.
How long did it take you after the diet ended to eat another potato?
As strange as it sounds, potatoes were my first two meals after my diet ended. I was saving my first non-potato meal for a special event that was planned at the local Head Start facility. The beef, dairy, apple, and potato producers put together a nice dinner event and nutrition workshop for all the kids and their parents at the Head Start center in Moses Lake. I still eat potatoes pretty regularly, but most of the time now I’m eating them with more than just seasonings.
Are there any other facts about potatoes you think Whole Health Source readers might find interesting?
Just a reminder that I’m not encouraging anyone to follow in my footsteps and eat just potatoes. This diet is not intended to be the next “fad” diet but was simply a bold statement to remind people that there is a tremendous amount of nutrition in a potato. There is no one food product that can meet all of your nutritional needs. I fully support a well balanced healthy diet, which potatoes can be a part of.

In 2008, the United Nations declared it to be the “Year of the Potato”. This was done to bring attention to the fact that the potato is one of the most efficient crops for developing nations to grow, as a way of delivery a high level of nutrition to growing populations, with fewer needed resources than other traditional crops. In the summer of 2010, China approved new government policies that positioned the potato as the key crop to feed its growing population. The Chinese government formed a partnership with the International Potato Center in Peru to help them facilitate this new emphasis on the potato.
Thanks Chris, for doing your experiment and taking the time to share these details with us!

In the next post, I'll give my interpretation of all this.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Light therapy get rid of wrinkles - scientists

The combination of light therapy and lotion from green tea extract works ten times faster than similar methods of LEDs wrinkles, according to dermatologists at the University of Ulm (Germany)

Light therapy or phototherapy is used to treat skin wounds and injuries for over 40 years. But recently, doctors have determined that daily use of high-power LEDs, similar to those used in car headlamps and computers, will eliminate wrinkles on the skin for a few months. It is reported by AMI-TASS

However, exposure to intense light sources in the dermis also entails adverse effects such as formation of a high level of reactive oxygen species, potentially damaging the cells. As a result of scientific experiments, it was recorded that in combination with a powerful antioxidant extract epigallocatechin gallate, entitled, extracted from green tea, the work of the LEDs does not bring harm to the skin.

In the study volunteers for a month daily experienced the combination of light therapy with the composition of green tea. At the end of observations physicians noticed significant improvement in surface texture of the skin on the face: wrinkles becomes less pronounced and the skin more smooth and soft.

Dermatologists believe that the innovative technique will be a promising tool for skin rejuvenation and help to understand the effect of reactive oxygen species on cellular aging.

Smoking pregnant women facing infant asthma

Smoking pregnant women leads to severe neonatal disease, especially bronchial asthma

This conclusion is contained in the report of Turkish doctors, published today, Anatolian Agency.

At the recent European Congress in Vienna, pulmonologists were given many years of research data. They suggest that the risk of the birth of the baby with a serious violation of the lung increased six-fold if the expectant mother not to give up smoking at such a crucial period for her. It is reported by AMI-TASS

The agency also notes that because of the bad habits of the mother the infant and strongly lose weight. It also adversely affects his overall health. In particular, it was found that babies of smoking mothers by an average of 210-215 grams weigh less than nonsmokers.

Confirmation of this disturbing trend revealed by careful observations have become doctors in 1996-2008 of approximately 3500 newborns who were diagnosed with asthma in the postpartum period

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Green tea is more beneficial to the sugar and lemon - study

Adding ascorbic acid and sugar in green tea helps the body absorb the beneficial compounds in the drink, U.S. researchers have found

Specialists have determined that ascorbic acid increases the absorbability of catechins in tea - a class of polyphenols that have antioxidant properties and struggling with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, reducing the risk of stroke and other health problems. Catechins are also found in cocoa and grapes.

Adding ascorbic acid and sucrose in green tea three times increases the absorption of beneficial catechins in the blood. Researchers are advised to add a green tea lemon juice or to choose other drinks that contain lots of vitamin C, reports the AMI-TASS reported.

Laboratory tests were aimed at monitoring the solubility, absorption and digestive stability of polyphenols. Dr. Mario Ferutstsi adapted digestive model of intestinal cells of the human body - this new model can more effectively predict the effect of the product formula.

According to Dr. Ferutstsi, the new model would also reduce the use of animals for scientific testing. In what doctors are planning to conduct clinical trials of green tea in combination with sugar and ascorbic acid in humans.

Pairs is more useful to sleep separately - scientists

Couples who sleep in separate rooms - well, thanks to a deeper and more comfortable sleep, say British experts

Researchers found that couples who divide one bed at night, during sleep have more distractions, such as snoring, and other than those partners who sleep separately. It is reported MedicInform.Net

Experts believe that couples should not be afraid to think about buying an extra bed. We all know how it is - to embrace, say good night, and then revert to the opposite side of the bed, so why not go before you go, experts say.

Experts say that when a person turns in his sleep, he may change during sleep stalls. If the person does not have sleep disorders, is when a dream turns or moves his partner, he also begins to spin and move, but usually it does not lead to an interruption of sleep, the researchers explained.

However, if a joint sleep in one bed does not cause you discomfort, no need for "siding" for individual rooms. The question is, how do you like best. If you sleep together and still feel great, you do not need to change anything. However, it is important not to be afraid to make changes, if they really have the need, the scientists conclude.

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Belarus has developed a drug against A/H1N1

Belarus has antiviral, disinfectant and antiseptic own manufacture, effective in the fight against influenza A/H1N1

This was reported today in the online conference the Deputy Minister of Health - Chief Medical Officer of Belarus Valentin Cachan.

"In Belarus, the Belarusian ended test preparation" Arpetol and disinfectants ZAO Belaseptika "and" Belaseptika-des "regarding their effectiveness against the influenza virus A/H1N1. Gave good results. Tests showed that the virus of influenza A/H1N1, which circulates in Belarus, is sensitive to these drugs "- quoted Deputy RIA Novosti.

However, she stressed that "today we can say with confidence that the republic will be enough domestic drugs for the treatment of influenza A/H1N1».

Recall, according to latest WHO data, the number of cases of influenza A/H1N1 virus in the world of almost 275 thousand people, and the number of victims has exceeded 3,5 thousand.

Monday, December 13, 2010

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