Saturday, October 16, 2010


Liver and dark spots are congenital malformations or later pigmented skin. It is known as moles or nevi. The pigmented lesions include freckles and age spots. Pigmentation, different colors (from yellow to brown to black), different extents (from small and round up a large area) and different surfaces (smooth, raised, hairy, etc). For moles have an increased risk that developed from this point, especially with frequent sun exposure, skin cancer. Degenerate but also other stains. Above all, very dark spots or a dark area inside a suspected spot. People with many moles or pigmented spots, especially with irregular patches, should be avoid the sun or tend to protect themselves at least well and can be examined regularly by a dermatologist. Most moles are harmless.

Common causes:
* The site for development of moles is often inherited.
* It comes from unknown causes, an accumulation of pigment cells in one place.
* Often in an increased incidence of pregnancy or in women taking the contraceptive pill.
* Even the sun can lead to increased pigmentation (such as freckles, age spots).

What can you do.
* Avoid irritation, do not scratch! As a result, moles and other pigmented lesions for malignant growth can be stimulated.
* Use sunscreen or avoid the sun.
* Keep an eye on whether changing moles and other pigmented lesions and to reemerge.
* Flat, smooth dark spots that are in the skin level, can be covered with cosmetics, otherwise such irritation should also be avoided, if in doubt ask the dermatologist.
* If you have many moles and other spots and / or skin cancer in your family has occurred, should go to regular health checks.

When you need a doctor.
* If the spots change suddenly, that enlarge, become darker, assume irregular shapes, inflamed and bleed, itch or hurt.
* If you notice new spots.
* For irregular ("atypical") spots.
* If you spot a "suspicious" in them.
* If moles or other pigmented lesions are sitting in places where they are constantly confused: eg by frictional wear in the belt or on the soles when walking.
* If moles or other pigmented lesions are sitting at the "hidden" places, eg in the genital area, where potential changes are not easily observed.
* If moles cosmetically disturbing.

What your doctor can do.
* Patches examined carefully and decide whether a stain must be removed (should be).
* Operating remove the stains.
* Examination of the removed tissue for skin cancer (always performed).
* If you have many moles, irregular in particular, have, your doctor will advise you on how to maintain and monitor your skin and at what intervals screening is important.


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