Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Iodine deficiency.

The thyroid requires to produce the thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine to block iodine. Iodine deficiency causes the thyroid to growth as it offers low Jodreserven the body can be better utilized. Due to the enlargement of the thyroid gland produces a crop, which initially causes no symptoms. Only when the thyroid gland in the throat takes up much space, it will be visible as a thickening. Then can also result in swallowing and even breathing difficulties, as the enlarged thyroid gland may press on the larynx, esophagus or trachea. If the iodine deficiency is not corrected resulting symptoms of hypothyroidism. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy endangers the unborn child abortions are more frequent, the child may develop a goiter should, in consultation with the doctor that people may take iodine supplements. The daily iodine intake should be at 150-300 (attached g adolescents, pregnant women and nursing mothers have a greater need.

Common causes:
Iodine-deficient drinking water and iodine-deficient diet. In the offshore areas is particularly often the case.

What can you do?
* Awareness iodine-rich diet:
* Fish and seafood regularly consume.
* Iodized salt use. When purchasing processed foods such as Baked goods make sure that was used in the production of iodized salt.
* Iodine-containing mineral or mineral water or iodine-containing toothpastes use.
* Japan algae from the health food store to use for seasoning.

When you need a doctor?
* If you notice that your neck size has increased, possibly in connection with other above-mentioned symptoms.
* If you experience symptoms of hypothyroidism.

What your doctor can do?
* In younger people, and if the crop is still far will the doctor prescribe an iodine medication for several months to replenish the Jodspeicher the thyroid gland. Then, make an iodine-rich diet to prevent relapse.
* If you are older and of iodine deficiency for some time there are extensive studies of thyroid function is needed before it can be decided on a treatment.
* Is usually carried out a combination therapy with thyroid hormone and iodine preparations. Sometimes the sole administration of thyroid hormone is appropriate. Then, make an iodine-rich diet, may also have to be a low-dose iodine medication taken.
* For Jodverwertungsstörungen (when the thyroid gland but gets enough iodine, but it cannot use properly) is treated with thyroid hormone tablets. Then again, the body gets enough thyroid hormones and the thyroid is a growth.
* Sometimes a surgical goiter removal is necessary.
* A reduction of the thyroid gland can also be achieved by the administration of radioactive iodine (known as radioiodine therapy).


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