Sunday, April 8, 2012

HealthCompare–Yet One More Site to Help Consumers Understand and Help Buy Health Insurance

How many more will we see?  As everyone write a new algorithm for sorting and querying information entered, we will probably see more of these as they all compete for the same consumers online.  This is not just a site to where you can be anonymous as they want names, phone numbers and so forth so they can follow up.imageWell shopping for insurance is not quite the same as looking for air fares but the formats they use on the web are certainly starting to resemble those.  Again I just wonder how many more of these sites we can stand, all competing for information and providing quotes.  With collecting data at the front end of this I wonder how much information entered gets sold?  BD 

Health insurance comparison company, HealthCompare, has released graphics to make health insurance more understandable. These unique graphics are growing in popularity across the web and are known for utilizing images and colors to help make complex data from scientific reports, demographics, and studies to make them more easily understood by the casual reader. Reports such as the ones used in scientific studies often use jargon and unnecessary language that makes deciphering results difficult for those without the background for these terms. Infographics compress and compile numbers and meanings into aesthetically pleasing arrangements that illustrate rather than tell. They can also functionally layout arguments for debates, complex concepts or any other topic that might otherwise be considered difficult to understand.

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HealthCompare's new graphics explain hardships that can effect consumers when it comes to medical coverage. They are nationally recognized for caring about patient knowledge and choice and want consumers to understand as much as possible when it comes to making decisions regarding policies that suits their needs.

The infographics released in this series are entitled (others can be found here):
Health Insurance Comparisons Made Easy - designed to help making comparisons easier
Finding Affordable Health Insurance - designed to help consumers discover the most affordable health care plans on the internet
Buying Individual Health Insurance can be Painless - designed to lessen the stress that comes with having to shop for policies
Get a Free Health Insurance Quote - designed to take the guesswork out of getting free and effective quotes
What is Health Insurance for Individuals? - designed to help consumers understand some differences between types of policies


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