Monday, December 6, 2010

Discovered a new virus, provokes cancer

Scientists have found another virus, provokes cancer - one of the types of retroviruses can cause prostate cancer, which kills about 10% of men, to identify the author of an article published in the journal Proceedings of the National Ac

The Nobel Prize in medicine for 2008 was awarded for the discovery of the role of human papillomavirus in cervical cancer development. The opening of communication between the virus and the tumor has paved the way for successful treatment - enough vaccine for the virus to 95% to provide protection against cancer. This is reported by RIA Novosti.

A new study by a group of scientists from Columbia University in New York and the University of Utah, found a link between the murine leukemia virus ksenotropnym (xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus - XMRV) and prostate cancer.
"Our findings provide evidence of communication XMRV with malignant tumor cells," - says the article.

Ila Singh and her colleagues surveyed more than 300 samples of cancerous tissue and found in more than a quarter of the samples virus XMRV. The virus is more likely to be detected in cases of aggressive tumors, and that the viral proteins occur in cancer cells.

Virus XMRV, according to genetic data, which refers to the type of gamma-retroviruses. This type of viruses cause leukemia, sarcoma, and in many animal species, but hitherto not been known to cause cancer in humans.


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