American doctors have called emotional states that can harm the body Cynicism
Cynics, who tend to suspect everyone and to be distrustful of others, more inclined to develop heart disease - says the scientist Stephen Boyle. The study, which involved more than 300 Vietnam veterans, Boyle found that the 25% that scored high scores on hostility, also showed a greater tendency to develop heart disease.
Boyle and his colleagues believe that hostile people are experiencing tremendous strain that might cause a race-level protein C3 in the immune system, and it can be fraught with various diseases, including diabetes. This is reported more.
Lack of meaning in life
Study involving more than 1200 elderly volunteers who had no mental health problems in the beginning of the study showed that the ranks of those people who in life was an important goal for five years, studies have thinned to a lesser extent than the group without a dream. The results were published in June in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.
"People with high-end easy to find meaning in life experiences, and often participate in different activities, which they consider important," - says researcher Patricia Boyle of the Center for Alzheimer's Disease in Chicago. Some other studies have also pointed out that people who have a goal, go for faster recovering after heart disease and have a good immune system.
Very nervous people who are constantly worried, worry, and prone to depression, such sentiments shorten his life. A recently published study, which involved nearly 1800 men for 30 years, shows that part of the reason for such statistics is also the fact that neurotics are more prone to smoking. Maybe a cigarette and reduces anxiety, says scientist Daniel Mroczek of Purdue University in Indiana, but it is hardly a short-term effect is worth it.
The lack of self-
Survey of more than 20 studies and nearly 9000 participants showed that people who are honest and more or less organized, live for 2-4 years longer overly impulsive. Howard S. Friedman, a scientist at the University of California suggests that such people are simply less likely to smoke or drink, and rarely are exposed to stress. The study is described in detail in the journal Health Psychology in 2008.
Studies show that stress could affect the robot to your brain. Compared with anxious persons, people with mild behavior are less likely to madness. Claim based on a study which involved 500 people aged over five years. Among the participants of the risk of dementia was 50 percent lower in the cool people than those who were prone to breakdown.
Gloom and doom
Gloom suppresses human rights not only socially but physically. Preliminary study of more than 180 patients suffering from peripheral artery disease (accumulation of plaques in the arteries), showed that participants in the so-called type D (distressed personality), had an increased tendency to early death.
People like D more likely to experience negative emotions and at the same time holding back their feelings. The researchers, who described his work in the August issue of Archives of Surgery, argue that the type of person associated with the body's immune system, as well as systemic reactions to stress.
Study involving 700 Israeli workers showed that those who experienced professional "burnout" were almost twice as much at risk of developing diabetes type II, in which the human body becomes insensitive to insulin. While promotion might increase your revenues, it is at the same time, can affect mental health.
British researchers recently found that when people get a boost, they suffer from mental disorders on average 10 percent more and are less likely to find time for timely preventive visits.
Cynics, who tend to suspect everyone and to be distrustful of others, more inclined to develop heart disease - says the scientist Stephen Boyle. The study, which involved more than 300 Vietnam veterans, Boyle found that the 25% that scored high scores on hostility, also showed a greater tendency to develop heart disease.
Boyle and his colleagues believe that hostile people are experiencing tremendous strain that might cause a race-level protein C3 in the immune system, and it can be fraught with various diseases, including diabetes. This is reported more.
Lack of meaning in life
Study involving more than 1200 elderly volunteers who had no mental health problems in the beginning of the study showed that the ranks of those people who in life was an important goal for five years, studies have thinned to a lesser extent than the group without a dream. The results were published in June in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.
"People with high-end easy to find meaning in life experiences, and often participate in different activities, which they consider important," - says researcher Patricia Boyle of the Center for Alzheimer's Disease in Chicago. Some other studies have also pointed out that people who have a goal, go for faster recovering after heart disease and have a good immune system.
Very nervous people who are constantly worried, worry, and prone to depression, such sentiments shorten his life. A recently published study, which involved nearly 1800 men for 30 years, shows that part of the reason for such statistics is also the fact that neurotics are more prone to smoking. Maybe a cigarette and reduces anxiety, says scientist Daniel Mroczek of Purdue University in Indiana, but it is hardly a short-term effect is worth it.
The lack of self-
Survey of more than 20 studies and nearly 9000 participants showed that people who are honest and more or less organized, live for 2-4 years longer overly impulsive. Howard S. Friedman, a scientist at the University of California suggests that such people are simply less likely to smoke or drink, and rarely are exposed to stress. The study is described in detail in the journal Health Psychology in 2008.
Studies show that stress could affect the robot to your brain. Compared with anxious persons, people with mild behavior are less likely to madness. Claim based on a study which involved 500 people aged over five years. Among the participants of the risk of dementia was 50 percent lower in the cool people than those who were prone to breakdown.
Gloom and doom
Gloom suppresses human rights not only socially but physically. Preliminary study of more than 180 patients suffering from peripheral artery disease (accumulation of plaques in the arteries), showed that participants in the so-called type D (distressed personality), had an increased tendency to early death.
People like D more likely to experience negative emotions and at the same time holding back their feelings. The researchers, who described his work in the August issue of Archives of Surgery, argue that the type of person associated with the body's immune system, as well as systemic reactions to stress.
Study involving 700 Israeli workers showed that those who experienced professional "burnout" were almost twice as much at risk of developing diabetes type II, in which the human body becomes insensitive to insulin. While promotion might increase your revenues, it is at the same time, can affect mental health.
British researchers recently found that when people get a boost, they suffer from mental disorders on average 10 percent more and are less likely to find time for timely preventive visits.
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